
How to quit smoking? (go) _ I like the taste of

Classiwells fargo home equity loans fication: soul garHelp Desk Tracking Softwareden following question is to answer the wake of tDesk Help Software Trackinghe Angel's problem: how quit smoking? but in fact all of addictive disease (especially emotional addiction problem is with-in the mood "depression", hit the thing to blame others, and so on, the list goes on and on, huh, huh, you can reference the following practices) Darling, you want to quit smoking, obviously your inner is divided: a child's personality (secondary personality sub-personality) want to quit smoking, one does not want to. I suggest you do a practice: in meditation, the personal status of the quiet, smooth, ask yourself if you want to smoke in the child's personality, it wanted to bring you? waiting for answers to float inside. L some people smoking is because young friends smoke, smoking can help him with his friends, and together, as a body, a sense of belonging. The child's personality had played a role, however, clearly does not apply, but it still faithfully perform its tasks. l��Щ�˳�������Ϊ����������ڵIJ�����о���������˸��Ŀ���ǣ��е������졣 So it is wrong to think that when you want to feel happy, you have to smoke, to achieve the purpose. But it was in "good faith" efforts to achieve its purpose. l��Щ�˳�������Ϊ���Ҹо����ã����̿�����������ʱ�������ָо� Then, the child's personality, is to make you think: I is valuable. We can clearly see: to belong to a group that you want to feel comfortable and happy to feel valuable, in fact, you do not have to rely on smoking. There are many other more health, more constructive ways to let us achieve our purpose. However, since the beginning of a beautiful misunderstandings, this want to smoke in the child's personality was born, it faithfully for many years it had been the creation of Uruguay from when he is given the mission, it is wrong. However, it is affected by what treatment? we hate it, against it, wanted except it eradicated, which in addition to resistance, heroic battles, there are what choice? so when you hear the child's personality and tell you its final goal, you take the understanding mood watched it, it says, I know, thank you years of companionship, I call you to grow with me (child personality are relatively young when formation), I can take you to see, want to achieve your purpose, there are many other ways you can make. You quietly sitting there, and your child's personality, welcome home, welcome it grow. �´�������̵�ʱ���ٺ���չ���Ի��� Give it a try. Also, my translation of the new world inside, just master also to quit smoking, for example, presented his point of view, he said, "energy fields", exactly what I said in the times personality. The preceding paragraph is breathing, is important. He also answered the questions of many people: spiritual lesson so much, I choose that one? spiritual lesson so expensive, I have not, what should I do? hehe! masters teach you don't spend a dime to spiritual growth, raising awareness. ժ�ԡ������磭���Եľ��ѡ��ڰ���> ����wbr>�������˼������֮�䴴���϶�����������ڿռ䡣 Without these gaps, your thinking is duplicate, nothing new, the lack of creative spark, and this is the most people on Earth. You don't have to worry about the length of the gap, a few seconds is enough. Little by little, they will extend that you absolutely do not have to bother. The important thing is not the length of the gap, but often they are brought to life, so that your daily activities, but also your thoughts continued stream will have space there. Recently someone showed me a large spiritual bodies annual timetable, there are all sorts of interesting courses and workshops to choose from, I was impressed. It reminds me of one of Sweden's buffet dinner (smorgasbord), in the Scandinavian Peninsula buffet, featuring savory dishes you choose. The man asked me if I could recommend one or two courses, ��introduction I don't know, �� I said ��introduction they seem very interesting, but I know that �� I added that to think of it, anytime ��introduction if, to the awareness of your breath, the more frequent the better. This year, it's transforming power than you finish all of these courses are coming, and it's free. �� Aware your breathing, focus moves from the thought, and created space. It is to create awareness. Although the entire consciousness would not display in the status of (unmanifested) exist, we are here is to bring awareness into this dimension. Aware your breath, noting that the experience of feeling, breathe air into and out of your body feeling. Breathing, pay attention to your chest and the abdomen is how slight expansion and contraction. A sentient breath, is sufficient in one by one's thoughts continued flow, create some space. To be a sentient breath (two or three course better), do several times a day, this is the space into a recipe of your life. Even if you and some others respiratory meditation every day Outlook for two hours or longer, in fact, you only need to be aware of being a respiratory (you can only see one) is enough, the others are memory or expectations, that is, thoughts. Respiratory and not you in ��introduction do �� thing, you just see it happening. Breathing is naturally occurring, is your body's innate wisdom in operation. You need to do is to see it happen, do not need to strain or effort, at the same time, the pause in breathing, especially in the ended on your breath, you're ready to get started is breathing in the static point set. �ܶ��˺����dz��������Ȼ�� You are aware of being your breath, the more it will return to its natural proper depth. Because breathing is so invisible no phase, since it is considered equivalent to ��introduction soul ��-invisible no phase to a life. ��Cold God made dust of the ground and air blowing life into his nostrils, and man became a living creature. �� In German the word ��introduction respiratory �� �C atmen, from ancient Indian texts (Sanskrit) atman, is inherent to the Holy Spirit, or inner God. Breathing is the fact that the invisible no phase, explains why breathing awareness is the space into your life and create awareness of a very effective way. Precisely because it is invisible, is not a real, so it is an excellent meditation object. Another reason is that the breath is fine, it seems the least important phenomenon, according to the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, ��introduction of the least important thing would be to create the most happy! �� do you want to take breath awareness exercises as a kind of formal meditation method, it is up to you to decide, but formal meditation method, is unable to replace the space awareness into your daily life in this exercise. Aware your breathing, you can force you to enter the current time into the present moment is the key to all inner transformation. When you realize that your breathing, you are definitely in the Pro. You may notice that you cannot simultaneously thinking about and was aware of your breath, conscious breathing will allow your mind to stop, but this is not to enter a trance or half-sleep, you are very sober and vigilant. You are not on ideological, but goes beyond it. If you look more carefully, you will find these two scenarios: fully into the present moment, and stopOnly thinking without losing consciousness, in fact, the same thing: spatial awareness promotion. ���֢һ�����ڵġ�ǿ���Ե���Ϊģʽ�ɳ�Ϊһ���ͷ��addiction����������ͷ����֮�ڣ���׼ʵ�����˸�ķ�ʽ����Ϊһ���������������ڵĻ���ȫ�ӹ��㡣 It even will take over your mind and your head of sound, while the latter become the better sound. It might say: ��introduction you working hard, you get a reward, why should they reject your life that remains the only fun? �� if you know lack of sleep, and the inner voice recognition, you'll find yourself just go to the refrigerator door, ready to take the very rich chocolate cake. Other times, the better chance you may skip the mind to think, and you suddenly find that you are smoking, or hands are already holding drinks. ��Cold how this stuff to my hands? �� from plucked out the cigarette, then lit, or for yourself a glass of drink, the two movements are you completely unconscious. If you are a compulsive patterns of behavior, such as smoking, eating, drinking, watching TV, surfing the Internet addiction or any other better, this thing is you can do: When did you notice that the compulsory demand rises in within you, stop, and then did three conscious breathing. This can create awareness. Then take a few minutes to take the compulsory impulse itself, it is one of your inner energy field. Conscious to observe your physical or psychological to ingest or consume some material needs, or if you want to put the compulsive sexual behavior expressed desire. Then do a few conscious breathing. Then maybe you will think that forced the impulse has disappeared, or at least there is. Or perhaps you will think it still control your so you have to indulge them, or to express it. Don't take it as a problem, bring your addiction with as described above that kind of awareness exercise a part of it. As awareness increases, the addictive mode will become weak, and eventually break down. However, you have to remember that when any of you addicted to justify ideas (sometimes also full justified) to appear in your head, you want to catch them at any time, ask yourself: who's talking? then you will find that the original is the better. As long as you know this, as long as you are to the mental capacity of an observer, it Pro is not too easy to put your trick to do it.

