
[Reprint] Earth's emergency call for help (31)     Arctic seabed millions tons of methane into the atmosphere _lengyuye1974

Original address: Arctic seabed millions tons of metDesk Help Software Trackinghane into the atmosphere "> Earth emergency call for help (Help Desk Tracking Software31) Arctic seabed millions tons of methane into the atmosphere awells fargo home equity loans uthor: classification who raise: vegetarian-friendly Earth emergency call for help (31) Arctic seabed millions tons methane into the atmosphere Earth security threats Arctic seabed millions tons of methane into the atmosphere" TITLE = "[reprint] Earth's emergency call (31) Arctic seabed millions tons of methane into the atmosphere"/> gentle tea millions of tons of Arctic seafloor methane into the atmosphere "TITLE =" [reprint] Earth's emergency call (31) Arctic seabed millions tons of methane into the atmosphere "/> original address: Zhejiang news network: http://news.zj.com/detail/990113.shtml release date: 2008-09-2410: 42: 29 scientific networks: independent http://www.sciencetimes.com.cn/htmlnews/2008/9/211322.html United Kingdom (English): http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/exclusive-the-methane-time-bomb-938932.html Sohu http://it.sohu.com/20080924/n259719009.shtml zhuanwen source http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_530cf7de0100auwz.html#comment in Zhejiang network September 24 Jul United Kingdom the independent of 23 September reported that scientists have discovered for the first time, the Arctic seabed bottom millions of tons of methane is slowly released into the atmosphere, to know this kind of methane gas reserves of energy is the energy of the carbon dioxide contained 20 times, it's the influx of air will give a serious threat to the security of the Earth. The independent newspaper "pointed out that this is due to the Arctic's climate is warming, its permanent freeze zone gradually melting, leading to a large number of deposited on the seabed to surface methane slowly, the newspaper has the scientists of detailed reports found. The scientists of the underground storage of methane is very important. In their view, the sudden release of methane is past global warming, climate occurred rapidly and dramatic changes of the main trouble hands, it can even lead to the extinction of certain species of large numbers.����Scientists have taken the "Jacob", along the northern coast of Russia to visit, results in the Siberian continental shelf over thousands of square miles of several methane was found in densely populated areas, the concentration of methane in parts arrived at 100 times the normal. Prior to this, researchers have noticed that the sea abyss of gas bubbles, they are by submarine "methane" take up the chimney.����Researchers on this doubt: past Harbour permafrost layer have like "lid" prevents the methane escaping, but now the permafrost layer have melted away, and the role of the "cap" has been lost, leaving the methane gas easily from the last ice age before the formation of bottom sediment to. The researchers warned that methane escaping may very well and the Arctic region in recent years the rapid warming of the climate.����The power of methane is 20 times more carbon dioxide, for which many scientists worry that methane escaping will accelerate global warming, atmospheric methane concentrations increase would lead to a further rise in temperature, resulting in more permanent freeze on further with melting, leading to more methane escaping. According to statistics, the Arctic is the amount of storage in underground methane than global coal methane total reserves, so when the region is warming faster than the other places on Earth, the people on the stability of methane reserves plus interest. Sweden Stockholm University's Dr. Gustafson is the study of the northern coast of Russia, head of one of his reply to Russia ' James ' crew letter describes the scale of methane release. He wrote: "yesterday, and tonight we are all busy doing the survey, methane has finally come to an end. Now find a methane escaping severe area. We found earlier places of methane have discovered dissolved methane content increased. Yesterday we were the first to prove that the scene of methane release very quickly, before they dissolved into the water with bubbles floating in the sea directly into the sky.����We use earthquake-related instruments on these "methane chimney" has been tested and echo sounder made a record. Some places of methane concentration reaches 100 times the normal. These anomalies occur in the East Siberian Sea and Rapp posts, covering Al waters of tens of thousands of square kilometres, its total volume reaches millions of tons of methane.����Now no one knows the vast East Siberian continental also exist in many such areas. People often think, Siberian continental submarine sediments above this permanently frozen ' cover ' should be deposited in shallow waters of methane save. In this area cannot be close to the amount of methane escaping is increasing, suggesting a permanent freeze cover is being penetrated, resulting in methane leaks, permanently frozen zone is now covered with small hole. We have found the sea methane content inIncrease in the sea even more. Obviously the source at the bottom of the sea. "United States geophysical society is getting ready to publish these preliminary research has found that by Russia's far East Branch of the Academy of Sciences IgorSemiletov guidance. Since 1994 he has organized 10 expedition to the Laptev sea adventure.����In the 1990s he was not aware of the methane emissions increase, but since 2003, he made a high concentration of methane ' areas ' more and more reports, ' James ' on the high sensitivity of instruments has confirmed these methane ' high concentration region '. Why now methane release from Arctic region, why land permanently frozen zone will melt and water caused the Siberian river water increases, Dr. points lead Semiletov these results. In recent decades the entire Arctic areas the average temperature rise of 4 degrees Celsius, is the Arctic summer sea-ice cover area in dramatic reduction. Many scientists worry about sea ice decline will accelerate global warming trend, this is because the vast oceans absorb heat than covered ice ocean ocean surface. Of course we don't want to see the dire consequences of global warming, scientists are trying to work out strategies to avoid methane explosion to Earth human threats. 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