
Baertasha��gelaxian _ DAO FA up to the hero Hokyo �m _ Sina Blog

Category: boutique miscellaneous title of the hero Hokyo, moral and spiritual perfection in the book provide a picture of bright and vivid image.����In the minds of the authors, the hero is "one who help SB. to attain his aim, mature and perfect: judge precisely and mature taste, hearing you concentrate on, words are wise, the fine sensitivity, is the perfect Center for all".��And this book is neither country strategy or non-business, but rather a way to manage themselves, a compass heading for excellence, a guard to put out the CD, a premier-perfect life. Han teaches, Ming Shen, Aesop's Fables make people smarter, Homer makes warriors, Aristotle shaping a philosopher, politician inspired by Tacitus, CASS gelianni instruction courtiers. I capture the essence of master, which sets out the overall image of the form a hero, a member of the best is yet to be renjie. This conception is that borrowing other people's knowledge and life experience, coupled with their clumsy funding assigned, casting the mirror.��If you can use it as a mirror, will recognize the true self, flick their realm. Baertasha.����Berenzo Gracian (1601-1658), Spain, famous writer, a Jesuit priest who full of enthusiasm WTO, on the folly of mankind abhor, author of the book of wisdom, the hero, and the politicians and the poetic writings, such as talent, remarks of the master. Book the hero Hokyo RAR berenzo Gracian of the hero, and the Ming Shen road, and the criticism of masters, the sibu masterpieces into the essence of the politicians. The same with the wisdom books, the book contains also the brevity of life wisdom, is a book of life strategies. Thinking task words and as wonderful as the book of wisdom, as enthusiastic pursuit of perfection, but it's more fun, more leisure and more open. This book continues the concise summary of the wisdom, the wording is very refined, richer style, apart from the monitor,, dialogues, letters and fable, more straightforward. The title of the hero Hokyo, for moral and spiritual perfection in the book provide a picture of bright and vivid image. 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Every success, to make people feel you have a wide range of skills; you're often out of his long, can make great expectations you can have better performance in the future. You want toRespected, it is necessary to try to keep people guessing out of your depth. Once you find a ferry, no longer helpless in the face of river. Similarly, a person who can show, will be hard to get the esteem of others. Conversely, if you care to hide their depth, then your fame is expected to be safe. Finders can often become masters, was found for others are often controlled by victory also converted. Therefore, people who can see through others, leading to a global, and people who are good at hiding, won't fall traps set by others. If you are facing some kind of competition �� such as Javelin-throwing the game--you're better off throwing and reveals their own strength marginless. Now, you might as well throw a throwing away, slowly progressive so your competitors feel surprised. If you have talent, may be able to charge a large note, just as if you had infinite solid duzi. Deep in this is that, even if we do not have unlimited resources, at least appear so. Half is greater than the whole of ancient Greece has a seasoned paradox: the "half is greater than the whole", ① half is known as the dew, the hidden half, more than a glance as a whole. There is a man named Fibonacci Dinan rather good at this �C he was the first monarch of the new world ②. All Kings that Fibonacci Dinan canny bureaucratic infighter, not because he has conquered many new lands, but because he seemed to have changing wisdom variable. So what about the awesome "a wise and think carefully" examples of Kings of the Earth feel the deepest? first of all was his imperial concubines, followed by various officials. They fear thinking he him exhausted taking into account the mind, and trouble sleeping to guess his idea, and can't wait to measure he can do. He was wise to appease them, deter them! how beware careful ways to keep him, makes them all feel apprehensive! ladies and gentlemen, if interested in reputation and great, you should take first main idea of this access excellence! to let everyone know you, but no one can guess your actual depth. If this method really Miyuki, looks like the choice of the medium, we, choice will seem to have infinite �� not to mention unlimited gift will give the impression of. ① Greece one of the seven sages of pitakusi said. ② Fibonacci Dinan of Castile and Isabel conquered the world. Know how to hide their defects if you only knew hide his limitations and can only say that your accomplishment is due to the heat. In addition, you must be able to bear patiently easily excited by your emotions. Being good at saving power to ensure you are successful, and know how to hide their motives and intentions, it can help you control everything. If willpower defect inadvertently exposed, your reputation could be destroyed and was mocked around the world. For defect, you first have to tame it, then you want to hide it. The former need courage, ingenuity and the latter. Succumb to their own flaws, you will be the human beast; if they can control it, you still can be people, at least on the surface of the case. Control her own feelings know the will of others, is a sign of your extraordinary wisdom and are good at covering up his will, you prove your superior chips. Seen through a person's mood, as discovered the flaw of his intellect fortress. Trickery can often fly people take this crack, you can win. Becoming aware of a person's desires, they seemed to find his will to the channel, you will be free to free men. In ancient times, is pagan worshipping to the man of God, his work, yet less than half of Alexander. Alexander to present Crown, but do not think that he is God. A man who conquered so vast territory in the world, but without access to proceedings of half the Kingdom of heaven. Achievements, why he survived this regret it? hehe Alexander fame, but because his boorish habit that is easy to get lost and fade, but also because he was often influenced by their own emotions and subtractive. Fame is being a people great wealth, has conquered the world but loses this wealth, what does that mean? sailing among the crowd, is a dangerous phenomenon occur one after another, because we often encounter the "angry" this monster and "desire" the whirlpool. So, being renjie should pay attention to control their own passion, at least try to conceal, and prevent the opponent from understanding your will. This principle teaches you how to understand others, and they are not to be what others know, and helps you to hide flaws, confuse those who loves those who do not back up, so that those who look as sharp as Bobcat were overwhelming. Isabel of Castile, and its appreciation to Egypt is comparable to the Queen �C she's just like Amazon heroine of the Catholic World, exemplary. When her childbirth, that darkroom in the Palace of retired people, and based on their talent-British arms, moaning bear patiently in the chest. Her face covered with a thin yarn, to cover up the look of their suffering. To others reputation at stake, she is cautious! madelazuo Cardinal ① once said: the so-called stupidity, not do stupid things, but doing stupid things but don't know to hide. Who can and those expressionless discussion about this. This white nature, but if you can self-cultivation, you can achieve the level of God-like smart, at least on the surface of the case. Hero gifts constitute a great part composed of a great body great quality makes a great hero. Passionate people value most savvy--"great" source. Great people, their understanding must be filled. Big world, human essence, humanity, and savvy GUI and, therefore, good understanding of people, achievement Supreme. People of this primary talent, often accompanied by two other important endowments: accurate judgment with superior intelligence. If the above three qualities are available, then it will become a hero renjie. Judgment as it would like to first of the lines and think carefully you want, and intelligence is the variable of trickery. Both the first in what, you will need depends on the personal tastes different. A woman had been saying a prayer: "Lord! give me a good understanding!" True, statement. Agile knowledge, wit, brave, like Sun or lightning a brainwave. Generally a hero, their great intelligence. Alexander, with its unparalleled martial arts world was commendable, Caesar is famous because the thoughts and actions as swift. Smart and quick, is bound to striking and if allowed to act rashly, the scourge is approaching. Witty wings is great, many good wings and magic man, although coming from the dust, it can be the mostEnd hovering under the Sun. Turkey had to make the journey of the King show up in one place on the balcony, the balcony not overlooking the public square, but overlook a garden of a flood of people ①. And when he took a job file, the file accidentally blown by the wind falling in the hands of ②, fall under the balcony on the top. Officials the opportunity to flatter, fight, racing with the wind running. They are trying to get on a ladder under flooded, but there is one �� is the imaginative, develop a new style--from the balcony jump jump, cast "microstep" stunt, between paper and those with him, but at this point, other people also grab the ladder. LongYan joy King, imposes a responsibility. From then on How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying. Therefore, keen perception and any combination of talent, are able to bring you an unprecedented reputation. If your Foundation is solid, you are expected to climb the peak. ① excellence detainees prison, detention of free thought. ② perhaps is the wind and he was joking, want the King knew that he was master of the party. Statements where Kings witty words saying there is no shortage of wit wit. Most of the treasures of the ancient kings perish out completely, but they are full of wisdom, is preserved in the famous treasure box and spread of later generations. Speech text always is better than daoqiangjianji, brilliant success is witty words rather than linearly crack troops. King of the Sage-Solomon, ruled in the case of two women, be clever to understand pass judgment, to go down in ①. Justice also rely on ingenuity better sentence can be done. Witty shone like the Sun, even in the land of the outer fringes of civilization can be radioactive rays. Turkey King Award comparable to pass judgment of Solomon. One Jew to lend to a Christian stating that if those who do not, at the cost of living cut out of which one ounce of meat. Time of the loan, the Christians unfortunately suffer unexpected personal financial losses and inability to pay, and Jewish insolent, Turkey King Imperial not budge an inch. So, the great Turkey King life people scales, claimed that cut only the Jews had no more, no less an ounce, or chopped. He can truly be litigation such as a sharp knife, wonderful sentence like God. Wit as suspects in the fog oracles, mysteries in the Sphinx ②, the maze of gold, like talking to yourself the lion, in dangerous plight to push them to. Abuse of wits, as it was wasted possessions. Face of the lofty things, they hang back; catch trivial things, but sharp like a Falcon. They only know sour, the best mocking capabilities. If Intelligent concentration of cruel bloody, mordant wit can effuse Venom. Nature by reason of such wit, they confuse bad, because such a self-righteous witty, abyss of itself has been relegated to the base, thus becoming trick is beneath contempt. Therefore, wit this talent is started is in heaven, is subject to the accomplishment of accrue thereafter. For which are so-called natural beginning, man. Any clever people, if they can learn from predecessors witty words, ingenious stories are sowing seeds of keen for yourself. These seeds sprout in a savvy moisturizing, and lush, yingjie, ultimately produces wit fruit. ① his pretense to boy is split into two halves, to dispute the parties depends on the reaction of the view. ②Sphinx, Sphinx monster, love passers out mystery, now baby is killed. Heart charity Plato once said, philosophers are wise minds; speaker has extraordinary eloquence; athlete bodybuilding muscle; soldiers had one arm; postmen have good legs; the porters have strong master's shoulder; while the King has a vast heart. Although Plato's writings are so wonderful, but some fallacies of its text. Why are some people's minds with each passing day, and your spirit is deterred? minds tend to remember, and have their own way, and some ideas in the mind a hundred shall not be found. Precise planning is often poor in vain, and once the implementation is too blame, and the results will be more small. Big fruit, resulting in great spirits, there will be great �C created with the same great, great thing. Alexander's mind is great enough, its weighty heart can be inclusive of the whole world, on the same world, his mind still have rich and accommodate six. Caesar's mind is more ambitious �C or not, either, with no room for ambiguous. Heart seems to cope with what happens to the "stomach"; result counter can be easily digested. Pot to accommodate big things, no matter how you affectation, or ungrateful, were unmoved. Gnome has been suffering from GLUT, Giants are still hungry. France Crown Prince ① 's father had colluded with stress the Paris High Court ruling King of England, to the throne, his own son. After he was informed that, resolutely determined to appeal. Someone asked him, "whom can you appeal?" " To me this great heart, as well as my ����. "When it comes to him. Exposure to the surrounding diamonds in a vicious disease outbreak, its bright light, is not as vigorous souls trapped when the excitation light. Contemporary ②--SA-v Achilles Duke Charles? Mann in New Zealand, rates of only four men defeated 400 enemy �C his ascent to speak out: Enemy at the Gates, millions of a great army of the enemy of the soul. The lofty sentiments and aspirations, and ready. Great minds can make up for all other deficiencies, and rushed out to others, indomitable will. ① then of Charles VII and dash. ②Achilles, Greece myth of invulnerability in great fighters. The blade in the missing, courage to complement Arab King has been a equip Damascus Blade--it was a good horse saddles, Samurai machete distribution. Qunchen not out of courtesy, but it honestly unanimously praise. But they also keep the officials, Tanzania-these differences, see this tool if a slightly lengthened to be perfect. Therefore, the King asked Prince Edward feel about this. Can truly be asking properly �C the Prince is a yagebu? amanzeer ①, it is worthy of a Prince, after having carefully examined the blade, praised this knife is priceless. While the King was asked about whether the blade when there is a deficiency, the Prince answered: perfect, there are no deficiencies. "Many people dislike this knife was too short. "King said. So, out of themselves wearing swords with-au-Prince said: "Heroes never enough knives short--He had to do a step forward, long enough--the blade knife missing, courage can fill. "Face the scorn of others with charity, is the Crown of this endowment; at this point, the noble soul only approximate perfection. Hadrian's ②, and conquer the enemy's mettle, rare �C how many generations of people are faced with a powerful enemy courage and blatantly said: "you seem to have averted a robbery sth" ①JacobAIMANZOR, conquered cable VIII of Castile. ② year 117-138 of the King of Rome. Grade wants to get a true taste of the spiritual is not an easy task. Taste and intelligence, you need to continually train and improve. If both xiuwei stands out, you will create outstanding talent. Poor taste will never come from the superior intelligence. Some of us, like sunshine shining; some beautiful, faint Starlight. Eagles wings Yang Sun, moth is often no look back to swoop on a candle flame. We often can find a person of high grade, knowing the person intelligent shades. Tastes good very welcome if grade high cleanness, is to be congratulated. Taste also features an infectious, life is a great blessing for making Crystal outstanding person. Many people believe that happiness is to own and enjoy the longing for something, but is unfortunately. But those who are seen as unfortunate one, the same is true of others-and, in this world there are people making fun of the other half--in fact, half, both brute ignorance does not. Comment on things alone without external ceramic high capacity, can be said to be a virtue. A brave man, in the face of this character will also honor; cleanness of spiritual practice, in the face of this character will be very cautious. Cherish your praise of emotional expression of respect is a very precious commodity, only the wise man really knows how to give and get. Respected as wealth, it is necessary to know how to save. If you can use it at the right time, you'll be generous; and if you just throw your respect, and that it will be treated like an old shoe. Sometimes people admired because of ignorance of love. This reaction is usually caused by poor judgment, rather than the King has been perfect. The best is yet to be something difficult to find, which will mean your praise! Spain most wisdom of the ancient kings of Philip-feilipuershi, deep knowledge of the three. Experience rich, most vulgar vulgar things hard to blog their favor. Portugal businessmen presented rare treasures �C a world known as "the heart of the world" of the diamond. Everyone thought that Philip at least this will be followed with great interest, or even stress tour. But his Majesty had asked for some help. This is not his posturing, but because they really well informed, got used sake. Although this businessman is not to be trifled with, in the face of such situations, for fear of loss. However the result is unexpected. "Your Majesty," merchants road, "I have this treasure and who paid over 70,000 coins--if you get it, there is no feeling of insult. "" At the time of paying, what do you think? " Businessman replied, "Lord, I was just wondering--that there's only one of Philip II. "King Wen of LongYan joy and immediately ordered a handsome reward. So far only demonstrated its tour and taste is superior to raise. Some people do not appreciate would be tantamount to belittle, but I think that praise, the judgment of weak performance, too beautiful words of spill, ask for the humiliation, and bring disgrace to others. Duke of Alba Alvarez? de? Toreno conquered almost the whole world, it may be said the achievements were magnificent, so its think half regret. Someone asked about the reasons, he said that recall their war in Europe 40 years, invincible, be invincible Digest, captured troops has no significance for millions, there is no other reason, but only because you have never defeated Turkey �� only the defeated Turkey army, known as war that does not rely on luck and win potential; only defeated the rival, its experience and the courage to meet the world's high level. So the so-called heroes of truly taste. "Cherish your praise," this strategy is not to make you into a ① only know nice and Schadenfreude;; on the contrary, this policy is to make you the most honest and most valuable judgment. Some people with the will to control the judgement, just like was upside down of the Sun and the Moon the function. In fact, everything should be in accordance with its own true to accept the judgment, taste was buying could not be said to be taste. Only a person with broad knowledge and deep experience in order to continue to improve. If you do not feel comfortable to make judgement, you should not act rashly, expose itself so as to avoid over praise others poor. ① if this misunderstood true meaning a thousand of them readily available, it is difficult to find only God has the perfect perfect. His perfect is infinite, itself that is the embodiment of perfection. Most people's good quality, some are born, others get through the day after tomorrow effort. Want the best is yet to be, you must complete either. The saying goes, intelligence. Talent is God's gift, and diligent work of the attribution of human labor, and no less than to the former. Does an ordinary person does not require too much effort, and if you want to become a man of learning, you will need to redouble their pay, the so-called Millennium, will be hard to come by. Singular becomes plural, one person can arrive in many people. If a person has many good qualities, they showed a lot of good characteristics of high density material. In this world, not all skill worth learning, also non-live up to all the undertakings regarded. Knows everything, maybe still in good repute, but everything will get nowhere. Maria a remove all Spain feilipuershi Macedonia Philip, although with the same name, there are worlds apart. Outside the former delisting II, everything has to be done first--he has blamed his son should not have in my room singing; the latter has to let his son Alexander to participate in the Olympic Games. We can see that how I thought it was cautious, the other is anxious to show their great lightness confused. Alexander's reluctance to take part in the competition, he said: "If the opponent is the King, I may be participating in. "Typically, comfort and enjoyment is difficult to reach the hero of the realm. Unsurpassed, and will not be limited to a certain perfection, his lofty or bottomless ambition, standing broad, powerful and ambition. More important, its knowledge of the more profound. If you are just content with superficial understanding of things would flow to trifling. In this way, you despiseIn is being praised for erudition. Can't do everything unsurpassed by anyone in the world. This cannot be the blame falls by the wayside, but due to a limitation of human effort and time. The so-called practice makes perfect, if you want to a skilled it is necessary to have enough time and patience. What's more, we long for things easy to lose interest. Even with a lot of mediocre quality, will not be calling it the great, and if there is one thing that Maria's pull out all the, shall be sufficient for the world of praise. The so-called heroes will have its remarkable places; has been great for excellence-oriented. More grand, received more plaudits. If you can win the appreciation even Ethereal, the saber, wrote, and holding power, head wears a Crown, the reputation it also goes without saying. Urgent need of talents HUANUCO are called "Castile of Ares". His exploits, who praised him, there are rumors saying the phrase "CASS tyre out the name, alagangduoying." He had moved to Jerez, and decided to spend here. Although he hidden, yet still Weizhen universe. Afengsuo for the new King, eyes are extremely road, especially good appreciation of extraordinary excellence, he only takes four attendants, dress up around looking for the HUANUCO. They came to HUANUCO homes, unfortunately its not in the home-HUANUCO-in siege swept past learning, not emotionally happy wandering in the country. The King thought, now that you have pains away from the Palace at this point, might try this country walking people. Walking down the street, they are far from seeing HUANUCO holding a scythe, pruning grapes. Afengsuo then ordered the men to stop, his horse, Lord of Novara, more personally up readily cut leaves. Hear the sound, perhaps the loyal trigger, HUANUCO slam back and saw your Majesty, hurriedly on my knees. "His Majesty's coming snafu, what I ordered?" " Please continue with your work, HUANUCO, maybe I deserve for you pick up the leaves and branches. "Afengsuo said. Urgent need of talents at this point, what! ancients believed the bull to worship Earth's very mysterious, I think the real moral is that: meaningful work is achieved the great cause of the field, as long as the hard work, there will be richly rewarded. One step ahead if nobody could jump, then many of the people in their industry will be glory for ever. Occupy the first position you can get a lot of advantages if extraordinary performance, that advantage will be multiplied. Pioneer is called innovation, and later was often considered imitating--no matter how hard they work, are difficult to change people's prejudices. Pioneers win as the eldest son's reputation, which players can only be made to the remains of a meal self-sufficiency of his second and third child. Hobbies of the ancients novel, and was particularly distinguished inventors. New inventions they respect to replace evaluation--this is a ridiculous mistake, but it also shows that the "first" of great importance. In fact, living at the time the first doesn't matter, the most important is ranked on the appreciation. It is a good thing, too much of their value will be greatly reduced, and if it is a rare, even if this in fact, the average, there will not be regarded as treasures. Surprise is the way to a great shortcut to people if they want to become famous career will be needed to develop a new style. In this world there are many shortcuts, but they are not always so good to go. You choose the road of perhaps the most unique and perhaps the most difficult, and perhaps the most great. Solomon is not introduced by the inheritance of his father's war, but peace. It is this modified piece of string, its eventual heroes of reputation. Deep knowledge of trickery of the road tibiliusi, known for its broad Augustus, comparable to their foot. Way out carefully to Ascension to feilipuershi, be unique of respect, if his father is a forceful model, he is the great example of the lines and think carefully Tuk. Many Christian Saints are unique and their reputation--with some spiritual dispersing sacred, Bo Gu pathway, and some homework. Since ancient times, how much insight was that stand out, remembered history. Even in the oldest in the industry, if they can do differentiated as well as achievements because of unique classical. Virgil is good at writing epic, CHORUS lyrics to avoid its edge, Ma Xiuer go to the other. Terence adept at writing comedy, Bai Xiusi is known for its satirical poems. In order to try to do things the easy way and imitating others, is by no means of talent. There was a painter, thinks it is difficult to surpass masters such as Raphael, Titian, and he changed the fine Vulture thin chisel painting--for assaulting the wind, he is at best and opening up the House and the world �C but unique rough n ' style of painting, he also made it clear that: Ning the latter first, not the former. ① this applies to today's businesses. Those who wanted to make a difference, finely experiences three tastes: different, a surprise move, is the way to the great shortcut. ① this person might be DiegoVelazquez, or for the Impressionist pioneer. Two heroes of two cities bringing up two heroes: Thebes with kHz order Guinness, and Rome had a Cato ①. Heqiuli the world reputation, and Cato is notorious. Caution out, Cato is superior to seek Guinness, and reputation, above the heqiuli in the Cato. Cato trying to change public encouragement of public opinion, seek Guinness is struggling to fight against nature, compared to the two, the former is more difficult. Reason is that Hearst selected in good repute, and Cato is quite annoying. The result, Hearst illustrious name Yuanyang, Cato has merit penalty in Rome, whose names are not known to outsiders. Notwithstanding such a warning, but people still prefer a relatively difficult business, rather than select likely to succeed. They crave a handful of insiders, and puffed and non-members. In their minds, cheer is "innocent's reaction to the so-called miracles." ①Catol, Julius Caesar's political enemies, defeated after death. Hero's career to very naturally quite difficult, and people who know how to appreciate this sort of thing is not the majority, so that the rare insight is invaluable. On the other hand, Ode to mortal thing, seems quite common due to common and easy to understand. Therefore, prefer thin, please, please don't abuse. However, you find people's attention and praise, and require a certain amount of skill and wisdom. Because reputation requires public recognition. Involve as many people as possible access to exalt and applause. Effort similar to the abstract thought difficult things, want to get a certain amount of Fame needShould be interpreted and get more views. What kind of access to universal acclaim do? is that everyone can see, the results happy, but no damage to their reputation. But cannot add honor things just get praise on the surface, is not this case. Actor during the House down, but after death reputation cannot be spread. At the stage of life to that noble cause and excellence, is commendable. Among the nobility, except those being a warrior can only be included in the history list, only they actually called kandang great men. Their reputation for the contemporary, best, historical records, because the war than peace more easily won the plaudits. Witty also won cheers. Access of those smooth text, enlightening words, thought of metaphysical thinking mystery, the so-called unpleasant advice is a good time. Knowing what is the Supreme gift of everyone has its own natural endowments, but know their advantages, and to play, is due to the wisdom, is the result of chance is very elegant. But their hearts are from, but the reason is. Most stupid valiant stronger is good at haoshouqiongjing, to be a scholarly; born rich adroit wisdom to thinking. Peacock self-sufficiency for its beautiful feathers, Eagle self should be able to soar in the sky. Ostrich, if you want to soar, there will be a danger of falling to the ground lost, which would be too ridiculous, should be a warning. In fact, it would be all over, the singular is proud of her figure shape. Innate gifts if you can get best use, do not have a successful, however to do this are very small. These people and just won the estimable reputation, because of their unique, accomplished unsurpassed. To overcome my understanding of even the most difficult thing in the mirror, and no one thinks; vanity deceive yourself, only time will tell but have unearned reputation. Highly placed unambitious and inaction as an excuse for being mediocre level of excellence. If the highest can be first, minimum things is nothing, you have no excuse and subterfuge. Following this statement while poets, but still quite a profound truth: "everything from speaking, doing things, be cautious not to disobey Mi Niewa means. "① born I was, however, everyone has their own opinion, one of those things most difficult to shake this view. Upright mirror of human appearance in this world, if one is available that corrects its own mirrors of perception, wouldn ' t it be lovely! yet savvy doomed to oneself as a mirror, but always deceive ourselves, and often clouding is unknown. When people own themselves served as trial judge, always open the door, to justify their adroit, bending even flexor, bribery of personal emotion. ①Minerva, patron saint of artisans and art professionals. Coincidence of interests and cause like thousands of people interested in intention, and creator and gifting is very dynamic, faces, voices and temperament, each man is different. Tastes like the world professional range of people. No fame, one of the most most poor, there are ardent defenders; Grand King's inability to reach things, interest in intention which can easily. If the King assigned heavy manual labor--base service "you farmer, sailor you do"--they'll be helpless with despair. Even the most glorious position, no one will be happy to do so. But if so, at its option, they will be as blind as a bat, most also did the contentment of our base. Human ambition makes the power of its large, if its complement each other in the industry, two phase, and nothing is impossible, Lance. Ambition and career fit all have always been rare. Chek Lap Kok Ann? Handle, Carry, This ① if not changing career, it is impossible to become Spain's Alexandria, Julius Caesar of the West Indies. His letters his life, the maximum is just a mediocre in literary circles. Turned to be a soldier, but a great, and Alexander and Caesar's anti-Legislative Chamber. Therefore, Ming Shen should induce inner taste, but never forced to change their natural gifts. Once they realize their expertise, to good use to make it happy to play. ①HemanCortcs is the 16th century the conquest of Peru and Mexico Spain colonists. Know your luck of public opinion in the world will say luck, but on many, but few truly understand. Catholic identity, it does not prevent me to make informed comments: road and is the mother of God woman, her day A sitting room, the Assembly room of the monks of ad litem, the exercise of its life and death to the power to take. The Queens supremacy, it won't tolerate question and refute. She is also difficult to measure, for some people beam, for another more serious, sometimes like to kiss mother and stepmother. Is so, not to one's heart's content to make, but has its own truth, just this strange and hard to look for ever known. Those skilled in as of local wise man, every moment of observing itself and the luck of the opponent. Her mother if you like, you have to wind rudder, boldly forward. Your heart to her, she'll heart joy. Julius Caesar is so good at observing and understanding the intent of luck, up when it encounters a storm, his boatman shout an order to burn itself out: "don't be afraid! you are an insult to Caesar's road!" is used to make one of those bolt, arriving not the magical effect. Road and breathes out came up trumps, the wind is simply negligible; the sky clear, strong winds to fear what foot star smiles, waves can I place? it was always reckless, in fact, should be more subtle look luck. If these people know their ss585, it can forge ahead make contribution trees. Even the blind gambler, also tend to be there before the roll genius of people. Ss585 is a heaven-sent gift, some say is the greatest gift in life. An ounce of luck was valued, or a hundred pounds heavier than a pound of wisdom of courage. It was built in dismay and depression above the tree name, this is a fool's luck, really wise man knows how to take the blame as a blessing. Smart gold and silver jewelry to hide ugly daughter of father, father of the universe to the best of luck to spirit of Plating ugly. Luck Galen ① send doctor wishing good luck, dimensional Ji Xiusi ② I hope are verified good luck, Aristotle would like people you good luck. Hero is the benefactor of courage and luck: this is the hero of all axisAxis. But luck if you wait until your stepmother surly, you flag down masts, not forced: her displeasure, and its components more than thousand of Jun. Most are good at writing maxims of the poet ③, will forgive me borrow and modify one of the words: "unless luck or not verbally, not to act. "This is a kind of trickery skill, one of the main idea is that the difference between identifying who fortunately and unfortunately, in order to grasp when when when when. Cable Lehman ④ see our Catholic Ares v good luck Charlie, fear their luck than all of the armour and weaponry. He sails in a timely manner, if not save his reputation (he had self-renunciation of this), or saved his life and Crown. France France-siyishi is not the case, in spite of his own luck has been declining, ignoring our Caesar's luck was sung, and finally against the Ming Shen road and become the prisoner of ⑤. Good luck with eyun infectious and, therefore, Ming Shen also should be a good insight into who can run, which cards remain, which should be discarded. ①Galen, physician, philosopher in ancient Rome, history of science status second only to Hippocrates, the idea around 1400 years of Islamic civilization. ②FlaviusVegetRUS, writer, is good at explaining the art of war. ③ Spain poet HORACE④Suleiman was combined with Thutmose I was opposed to Charles V of France. ⑤ Pavia battle fiasco was Charles V imprisoned. Successful, overwhelming odds sports object is bound to be in profit and loss. Some people like to talk about the so-called movement "State", but no State is dynamic. Wheels rotate endlessly, without let up, it is necessary to foresee trends in fast moving it to stop, there is no vision is fundamentally impossible. Most sensitive of the gambler, but also how to leave the table in due time: luck sometimes join in the spirit of the occasion and make your Royal Flush hand wind, but she always what is made believe, this will be your everything tough start. Fengfengguangguang stood by, rather than on luck withdraw what you win was, while you are at a loss. Such thing as luck, temperament and women similar to the all-girl guy who rarely was she burned man says. We battle, Charles V defeated, malinanuo Marquis verbally comfort ①, say luck like a woman not only good at home, also thin young love the new and loathe the old-be fickle in affection. I would like to say that her heart, not because this is not designed, nor because of near-woman, but a just God needs. Most sophisticated haven is the overwhelming odds. Above board, instrument end state is a thorough and high-spirited, brave order troops to March ForWord martial glory. ① he was Charles V go on a punitive expedition Italy, and Hungary, and Germany. Grasp the pulse of the God of success however was looking for good luck, God of luck give small SIPs in a breath, they cannot be tempting, smug. At this point, eldest son of luck �� Charles V, is enough to serve as examples of heroes. The world's most glorious Emperor Albert I, and eventually ended in Ming Shen. Driving his luck to conquer the world, and finally conquered the luck. He retired in due time, his coffin was not covered, it has been so great. To fall, is the result of too much greed. Opening spectacular, fate too horrible to look at, it is not uncommon. If they can use the strategy described in this book, whose reputation is insurable. A ring throw one ocean, falls talks Web they return to the original owner. Ring, a trip to announce wing knot husbands of sisters, bolikeladisi and luck. Mikalansi hill battle, bolikeladisi reckless, this mountain stage to become their marital tragedy ①, Berisa stream ② becoming blind, so that others can eyes be divine revelation; Spain when the Eclipse, but in many senses light. How to grasp the pulse of the success of God? this thing cannot be taught. God of success very irregular heartbeat, it was bewildering. However, we can still learn to recognize potential signs of decline. Successfully one after another, good luck to ensue, such outbreaks of acute and rich have always been suspicious, because the God of Fortune help in the completion of a worthy goal, always talking to yourself slowly. Success end tends to the brink of weaker; unfortunately, often kept to. Moors Abuer, heirs of the Kingdom of Granada, was the King brothers imprisoned. Lark, he self-cultivation, sit-ins chess, it was a meet the fates of the most sophisticated methods of training. Beginning economies of scale, and Messenger coming, he was prepared to die ③. Grace Abbuhl request several times, although the guards ' too needs beyond the limits, but he still finished game. Abuer border-bottom, result won the lives, or even the whole Kingdom. A game of chess is not yet finished, another express passing, announced that King die, and declared his throne. Crown since ancient times in the body and reduced the guillotine people everywhere, from the gallows who rarely descend into top Crown. Blessed with unexpected changes, bittersweet, taste sweet. Luck like pirates, always start only after the vessel replenish the stock of goods. ① bolikeladisi come out victorious in succesive battles, fear of being jealous, in your favorite ring into the sea, fishermen back after. ②Bellsarlus Rome and Spain-month count. ③ death is always conveyed by express. Favor not Furen's heart to gain respect and goodwill, then Furen words also have too much meaning. Many people get applause, win fame, has not brought back to the good will of others. Hirohito in good faith, you will have the uncompromising graphic. Acquired in good faith, thanks to diligent than due to the constellation of personal help. But people tend to see the German people, some people's reputation higher than others, they say, is due to constellation credit. The same thing, it was a happy heart, it was but one Backoff. Means of which will vary based on different. To win the favor of others, to excellence is far from alone is not enough, although it is a good place to start. To obtain the person's trust and understanding, it is easy to win their favor. Respecting orders in good faith. Very unlucky but holding negative popularity Guers Duke ①, understand the significance of won the hearts, although he did not get France have found a patron or superior appreciative of one's ability of King Henry III. Said Henry King can not always named Hospice! one day, Henry asked about service: "What can be so confusing people? " Notice saying: "my Lord, he dedicated help others, even if not directly benefiting people, also for him as a deeply inspiring. When he cannot give people affordable, would haoyan for good language to express their feelings. He attended the wedding jinhuan; participate in baptism will be invited to be the godfather of know what death in the family will make. He was polite, full of warmth, generosity, glad to see people well, young people less evil. In short, his Majesty is a master of law, he is the common aspiration of a King. "In our era, this argument of the foot can be regarded as Trinidad baqun people. So in favor, which is called happiness. If he was able to own prestige among the population, and the King's Majesty complement each other, will work good and perfect beauty. After all, not anything to compete with, although some people think that by Liao received applause from the owner of jealousy, in fact, not necessarily the case. ①DUKED0fGuise, popular was taboo, Li Sanshi murders. Return on people's minds, and the Duke of God, God in good faith, is the ancient imagination the most lovely three products. All three go hand in hand, three short one, both at jiuchang. God of the attendants with courtesy, generosity both in good faith is most important. Titus (Titus) Emperor of these two traits, known as "humans of your" ①. Superior language of a word of praise, arrived in his actual helps, Raja courtesy than ordinary people the actual gift. Alfonso v temporarily abandoned statues of the Kings, horse rescue a farmer. Because this little thing, and smooth way to heavy attack gaitacheng of days could not succeed. Really what one man's heart and capture a city. Even the most vile critics, saying he lies to get people with the highest esteem. I have to say is, in many it is seen and heard of the Endowment, and this is the most intimate. In addition, won the historians of opinion with the immortal itself is worth pursuing because their feather pen is his wings. Painters and sculptors depict natural wisdom, historians of the virtues of depicting the soul. Hungary Phoenix Ke Venus ② often say that glory of the hero depends on two things: good merit, as well as good writers, because combine immortalized in the rafters of their lot. ①Titus tyrant after the death of Nero, assist the father was reigned Emperor of Rome, after inherit the throne at the fame and wealth for the benefit of the people. ②MatthiasCorvinus Hungary King, strong support for the arts, with the Roman Emperor Philip teliesanshi elegant and refined beauty of this kind of thing to the enemy, there is a thing you can't define, it is the soul of all endowments, everything perfect life, vitality, talk to charm, all the fascinating charm of good taste, sensible elusive, words are difficult to be on everybody ' s. This is a form of mystical beauty is human nature in the highest quality. Other gifts for natural zenghui, Tim Mei Avenue and this endowment gift itself. It is the perfect perfection, beyond beauty, everyone can feel the charm of power. Its main characteristic is the speech and behavior, and even thinking a certain grace and spiritual reasoning, a lively and elegant. These traits are innate and rarely comes from observation and training. So far, it still does not have rules to follow, beyond to all people. Due to its profound impact on our quality, being called drunk because of it's always before you make a difference, be called soul; due to its quick, someone call activity, and because of their courage, some people call it courage because of its spontaneous, it was called away. Various appellation showed how difficult it is to define, people are so eager to give it a definition. Elegant and not be confused with something else. This realm is far beyond the leisurely attitude, also beyond the above the dexterity and grace. This is a layer of non stick means without delay, self at ease, also combined with a perfect quality. Elegant Rusina (LUcina, in charge of the Roman goddess of fertility), perfect for action needed to reach this State, this State, the best is yet to be. Lack of this realm, the slightest actions lie, the greatest perfection to feast for the eyes. The realm of nature-related, not included, nor a decoration, but the basis of the most important things in life. It is the soul of the United States, also suishen Ming Shen road; it's elegant charm and atmosphere, as well as courage and heroism of life. Leaders in this realm and the courage to exist side by side, at monarch King there are maps with Ming Shen. When the enemy, this fearless British wind spirit, no fewer than Lin and courage. This General give competent leadership, win and win people. In this realm is at once bright and brave, gas filling King on the throne. In this State to govern the country and State, who can doubt his good for? Prince Alexander adhering to the spirit of this magnificent in the world, said: "I have nothing else can conquer the world?" Mysterious forces in this chapter on the hands of this endowment is extremely subtle, if not in depth to explore its extreme, rare essence. Some people radiate into one innate leadership qualities, a mysterious force command, they simply do not have to dictate, but also do not need to specially crafted to persuade, will be able to light the others subject to the heart. Small Caesar was on the island of Pirates of the prize, they make themselves masters of them. He is captured by the Majesty of King s fortune, the pirates who originally led captivity captive, and rather than surrender. Name of the so-called captive, leader of the real, that is the ruler of Julius Caesar was born. This figure, an awe-inspiring eyes by rushing into something far more than ordinary people hard work. They ought to imply a surge of mysterious attitude, people resonate with, rather than a radiance to deter others, and the achievements of its undertaking. In front of them, even the most conceited minds, the most freely judgment, is to surrender but do not know why. They are among the Lions, Lion of the most important features: command. Every beast after nature was born to recognize Lions Shou Wang, they simply do not have to test it's mighty, you know its extraordinary, which flatter. So it is with the hero, who is a natural leader, respected people not because of their talents and virtues. With such talentPeople wear a Crown, so-called deserved; if coupled with courage and heart, to become the driving force of social and political development. It is this extreme Supreme talent, the Duke of Alba ① be respected around the world. Right place at the hero not so much, rather is born. He has remarkable unsurpassed, times is made him more greatness, even in subtle also revealed his manners and his human dignity. Such personal qualities, and false in a tone of authority and contrived at all comparable. The latter two repulsive appearance to the extreme, even if they are born, it is only slightly reduced level of offensive. They will question their value, and his value, was the contempt. ①Alba, Spain names, the conquest of Portugal, defeated Germany, Charles V peak power. Fear yourself Cato has said that we should respect yourself, or even fear ourselves. This is of great significance, is his own adheres to the principles. To abandon themselves in awe, makes to despise themselves, there would be better than others and you are too close, too familiar with will snub. Gifting one of sympathy and antipathy of heroes, is ideologically with the other heroes to resonance. Plants and Sun, and became a garden of flowers by Kao. Sympathy and empathy is one of the naturally extraordinary traits of nature's most mysterious, once the work is often surprising. Sympathy heart, disgust is a lack of solidarity. Was attributable to the temperament of the same sympathy and empathy, it is considered a predestined fate the same idea. Working together, teamwork, energy creates miracles, disgusting pestle inverse can only create a monster. Some fantastic results, we will be attributed it to resonate with the tacit understanding, and ignorance of all mortal beings attributed to spell it, vulgar people it is attributed to the Bewitched. If one disgusting, so perfect to border to despise; instead, empathy, courtesy of the humble to the ugly will be his. All of sympathy and antipathy to dominate the world, that parents on their children's behavior, likes and dislikes when judged, totally ignore laws, laws and national policies are ignored. As the parent when the offensive, and claimed the country cut, but when you have sympathy, and Phong tho fengwang. Truly an eminent literator, don't argue was able to convince the other side, when you really need only ask, along side the natural harmony with each other. This is a heroic nature, is the hero followed by the rule. Some people taste like a magnet, and diamond repulsion, with iron absorption, like waste to the exclusion of the essence, and heroic qualities opposite. There are two kinds of sympathy and antipathy: positive and negative. Reflected in the hero's temperament, and both can achieve lofty, is better than Ryan Giggs rings ① more precious gems that great on, Thomas libiih seek stronger Guinness chain. ① Ryan Giggs to wear this ring can be invisible on the battlefield; heqiuli depends on the gold chain makes the audience awed by the eloquence of live body out. Perfect boasted to self, it's just too stupid, if it was forgotten and abandoned by the wise, and deserve. Respect from the bottom of the human heart to be speculative play skillfully, also cannot use brute force to expect. Want to be respected by others, won't quibbleabout no words to say, is better than bragged unblushingly boast. Sing one ' s own praises will make you lose a lot of praise. Well aware of this man, revealed all deliberately artificial intelligence as a force for, rather than natural, are some of the work, rather than won't quibbleabout. Such a person's reputation will be their knees. People like naxisaisi ① this is the fool. Narcissism is the mind, its stupidity is hopelessly, because the cause is that you should be none at all. To perforate affectation attitude to open smart is naturally very foolish, more stupid than promoting their own flaws. Some of them in order not to end up affectation of being ridiculed, but falls theatrical practice, because they said they do not pose with affectation. All work most gratifying aspect of, signs of Kung Fu without dew is; the greatest trick, the trick is to take on more as an ornament. Great people to redouble their great will be the best is yet to be, they are careless, inadvertently, touched the interests of others. They are invisible in itself perfect, but others such as ②. This technique can be marvelous. Other skills can be turned towards the great unique road, this technique seems to be another orientation, guidance we got to the reputation of the peak, the road to immortality. ①Narcissus, Greece myth in the Beau of the narcissistic reflection in the water, so Haggard and died. ②ARGOs, Shin Cha eye monster, nothing missing. Aim higher heroes are mostly without children, or not enough to be called a hero for children, sometimes admiration of those who follow. God let them be sent into the world, as if they do tremendous courage and a model, rather than ask them to do more in Sun's excellence. People are teaching people build tree of unsurpassed sound live teaching material, learned one should make note of their great lesson, follow their appreciation of, and experience of their actions. All walks of life in the elite and the first character should be the role model, but not for imitation, but as transcendence; not to perform to SB. 's baton, but to use it as a ladder, and courage to move forward. Archie Guinness make Alexander brood, lie awake all night, he slept on the tomb of aqilishi suddenly wake up, renowned heart Foundation of musicals. The great of Macedonia who woke up Grand ambition, or rather sad, disappointed lacrimation, but not for the aqilishi lost shed tears, but has not yet been established for themselves famous cry of sub-odd Guinness. Similarly, Alexander, Caesar is a challenge, and continued his ambitions so that it constantly better ourselves, eventually won, like Alexander, and achievement alone to attack the West Roman Empire of the great things. Afengsuo said, as if the speaker vibration horse vibrissa energetic, Caesar was his impassioned horns. All trades and professions, trekking the very best, mediocre low. By knowing of the wise ancient celebrities, finishing the final hero, therefore better at identifying the advantages and disadvantages. Heroes of the world still lack true judgments and evaluations, give hero a historical seat is easier, but evaluation ranking is very difficult for them. Reveal yourselfDefect eliminating jealousy ostracize ancient Athenian hero ①, and today is no longer, but the Spanish scathing criticism, often heroic in the On Dangerous Ground. If today's critics as the ancient Athenians, will wait to expel those heroes. But it turned out to be by them to the reputation of the village, State of immortality. Because there are no disadvantages suffered condemnation is a contradiction and wacky things. Defense a clever method for this sort of thing occurs, is occasionally made a few innocent mistakes. Ming Shen and bravery reveal little mishap, enabling of envy has wide entertainment, malicious catharsis in our hearts. Even if it is soaked with magnificent giants, escape the jealousy and malicious plus: the cruelty of animals and birds in their mythology, low prey is not found, then the most kind of animal has also been a calamity. Some people secrete toxins of some strange, talent improved, perfect distortion, most fair thing to be malicious misinterpretation. Because the strategy is to make a little bit small faults, lost to envy a bone, a poisoned arrow to open the adversary. Ming Shen person is immune, so disease for health. Their high hanging from the target for archery, for rumors to attack, to gradually eliminate the rumormongers venom. ① ostracize ancient Greece people write names to vote on the shell, who exiled abroad for a period of penalties. Not all disadvantage is a blemish in addition, pranks can become a perfectly lovely masterpiece of nature, for example, some moles, called "beauty spot". Therefore, some disadvantages is not a disadvantage. Alcibiades ① as heroic, Verde ② with wisdom, referred to as the "source of health". Be calm in the hour of peril, the tiller sometimes may incur name of lazy, but such a confident calm, although it is not possible to avoid breaking bright look great, but to win. There is no Eclipse, the Sun He Rong, without blemish, of diamonds He Gui, no thorns, Vicki He rose? nature enough not to use artificial to positions. Defects along side the personalities and also cause new defects without affectation. ①Alcibiades, Athenian statesman, being rude, to spend money like water, combat is known as a tiger. ②Ovid, Roman poet, the greatest influence European literature to giant, new meaning to give love in literature, the Metamorphoses by representatives for their lifetime. Crown Heroes all outstanding talent came from was born. Virtue is the daughter of Ray, inherited the splendid; sin is a product of the dark, has inherited the blind. Generally a hero, their happiness and great size consistent with the virtues of high and low, both from birth to death always film company, who are aspiring to achieve the sensible world of heroes, please note that pay attention to this important truth, the most brilliant and most consistent quality. The great Foundation cannot be in sin, and Sin is null is none, can only be based on the great God, God is all sth Heroes of the world negligible, or is it not foot massage, only the hero is something to be proud of the Kingdom of heaven. All the praise, and glory to heaven-English master. Training to face the vagaries of luck, contentment, optimistic attitude, in the face of illness and merciless law of nature, the old Yi Zhuang, should use good cultivation to supplement natural deficiency, Ming Shen sense to look at people of all things. Human accomplishment is a great complement to natural tiangong, second regeneration of the human, is added and on the basis of natural color, sometimes beyond the outside the natural creation. Cultivation was first opens up a world of human nature, to make up for the lack of natural, making nature more perfect. There is no human accomplishment, it will seem crude, slovenly. No doubt, this is the first task in the paradise, master of creation for RTHK chose him as an Assistant in all beings, compatible for the master of the world, was to his cultivation, perfect, finishing in the world. Culture is a natural body-pijia King's robe, and it enables natural simplicity of light colour. People's efforts to make the desert paradise, the greatness of the human spirit, is a well-documented! see things in creation of the first personal privileges-privileges �� you are in a fresh, focused eyes, look at this beautiful like the world is so large, the beauty and strong, as well as the harmony and colourful. In General, when people do not have unique ideas won't find impressive, no heart of admiration would be difficult to stop full attention. People at the time of birth into this world, our eyes are closed, gained new knowledge through education and enlightenment, the rain gradually opening. However mistakes of usage, the mind has been filled with sophisticated, there is no heart of accommodating fantastic room for. Wise men are good at self reflection, imagine ourselves as newborn babies in the world, and feel all sorts of amazing things in the world, enjoy the perfect life, and fully upgrade your mind and soul, open-minded mentality of looking at things. For example, someone walk through the beautiful gardens of quiet count, however there are distractions, at first did not pay attention to the beauty of the plants and flowers, and until you occasionally see the insight, and then look back to route, look all around, travel tours, flowers and grass all become interesting naturally. So it is with humans, from cradle to grave, very few people pay attention to the beauty of the universe of goodness. While the wise look back from time to time, keeping the pleasures of life, all things even if no new scenery, also often create innovative new horizons. Four ways to learn if you want to know more about how to understand, there are four approaches: long life; traveling thousands of miles, and read thousands of books (most likely), listen to the remarks of the wise (the most fun). The great shortcoming of a great book, for readers who know how to behave in a delicate situation known, should overcome some flaws: not short enough to zhongpian memorization, long and not that he will always be difficult to zhongpian. Shorter as the motto of the mantra as the motto of the mantra, the more deeply the wisdom of its implications. Epik ① all philosophy comes down to two words: hold fast, abandon. ①EPicteTUs, and Stoicism touch of Greece philosopher. Interesting experience fun, that feeling of soaring like an Eagle sky; and to create interesting, people seem angelic floated. Interesting is the music of eisenia foetide sarigng, it can promote people to extraordinary levels. Interesting this kind of thing can be summed up, but it is difficult to accurately say. It allows us to feel it, but do not let us define it clearly. Such delicate thingsWelcome anyone to describe something. Discovery eye like beauty, harmony and melodic and keen words are designed for the mind, paradox of truth into a monster. Cruel forced readers or listeners to finish reading and art--and listening to a single topic such as governance, way, or mountain climbing--no matter what topic is, it is cruel, not art. Cancel the message from the people tend to write in the book of praise on his remarks, even thinks really. Others looked but flattering flatter, but they themselves thought deserved. So when you reprint this book, the author details when the first edition errata, one tends to be the front of the message. Having someone willing to spend a lot of effort and time to learn to speak with their neck instead of as most people do with their mouths to speak. In their view, this is unique. A new way to die �C a man involved in ship, life, you should not start since the beginning, there should be no end. There's nothing better than you to win more enthusiastic pursuit, nothing is more fragile than you. Those who lose you often regret sth Natural nature is man's stepmother, ignorant person birth, death gave everything and let him fool hoaxes in the feelings of all life existed. Ah, the first false smart, lives entrusted to weak piece of wood and from dangerous waves of people, is a rash of bad ruler forsaken by all! people say he is a steel body, told me he just wrapped a bunch of black iron of Blithe Spirit. Divine Providence, the mountains and the sea will be separated from the universal was in vain, outrageously of mankind, invented the bridge block as a whole. Yet against all inventions, in turn, becomes its own deadly things. Constantly devour gunpowder lives, become the worst monster to destroy mankind, coffin of the ship is not a reservation, what are? God too this land of the dead stage was too narrow and enough she just played and invented ways to teach people carry die. We set foot on the deck, as the guillotine, which is showing off brave punishments for us. Cato assert that there are three people stupid, boarding for most, this is the word of wisdom. Ah, life! Oh, God!, luck! persecution so to me you tried, you have a moving hand, will not be able to receive, in addition to kill me! four life stages of life are updated once every seven years, and the four stages of life, personality changes more frequently. At the beginning of life, in a State of chaos, and does not have any knowledge or knowledge is very small. Infancy, one of the most basic forces have not regained consciousness, and noble is buried deep to barbarism childish. At this point, like flourishes like a plant, learn nutrition like flowers. As the years went by, soul baby stand out, is beginning to show its own forces, smiling into the teen years, and began to understand how to catch the desire and erotic. Mental he still know nothing, the lack of common sense and good judgment, subject to his own personality and temperament is from. Finally, and often a little too late, and began to awaken and tend to pursue a rational life; he is starting to realize they were people, and animals is different from, and those who complete their personality and know how is seldom respected, eager for the courage to embrace the virtues, and enjoy the joy of friendships, seeking insight, and accumulate learning, longing for the noblest of professions. Life is like a river philosophers that called the river of life is really insightful extraordinary. People like a river that everyone continues to flow to the death. Childhood is a smiling stream and unattached from the jewelry dust �C people are made of dust. Stream color clear, pure texture, laughter, in the wind murmuring stream, sparkling water, a profusion of garden flowers form a delightful contrast between the two sides. Youth comes, like torrents up and Pentium jump, every now and then dive down the stones wore, splashing spray flowers and blue to go slowly, overflow and rose. The autumn has slowly matured, knows how to chenqian. Grace graceful behave. Just like rivers, because there is a certain depth, so to show cautious. During this period, as in Yangyang River, magnificent and broad, rich and dignified. Irrigating the crops, curtain around the capital city, there are endless uses. To the lower reaches of the sea, as people enter the Dragon, Bell States into diseases of old age. The River runs into this, is the potential exhaustion; life struggling to this also perish not, no longer have the sweet taste of life. Like a rotten boat, water, wind shakes rendered rain, falls apart, and final oblivion. Three way body life 25 years of maturity, mature 50 years of the heart, the spirit of shengshengbuyi. Three-way of life, the best is in the middle of a ride. At this stage, the best is yet to be in life, the soul reaches the peak, deep wisdom and talent really, insights and reason complement each other. Maturity is a good start in life. But some people's life has never been started, it was back up every day. This age, even if it doesn't reach the realm of absolute perfection, but lack of less than other stages, it's not like childhood innocence, youth than madness, nor the old heavy, but the arrival. Different stages of life, creator of heaven and Earth are also endowed with a different decoration: a childhood filled with yellow hair yellow rose; middle age the hair and beard black moderate, the symbol is the deep thought and intellectual concerns of Ming Shen; lives close to the goal, her hair turned white, because the old mind is quite frankly. So sneaky trick of natural nature nature nature, she was in a dishonest way to bring us into the world. She skillfully arranged, so that we are ignorant, not too innocent, born. We are ignorant or even blind, I do not know they have a life, or do not know what life. Time of the child, any threat by the childish things, is met by a toy or game. He thinks he entered the Kingdom of happiness, actually just luck of prisoners. Until their open eye of the soul, suddenly the insight himself falling for when deception, has caught, unable to. He kept therein in a quagmire �� life is a cripple, apart from the morass and marking, slowly struggling, what could we do that? I believe that, if it is not the Creator God skillfully used counts, none of the men and women would be willing to enter into such a fraud deceive world, very few people would be willing to live. If people are informed, which will go into such a hypocritical nation, true row, to bear so much punishingPenalty? in the flesh: hungry, cold, cold, hot, tired, nude, pain, disease, and in the mind: deception, persecution, jealousy, disdain, humiliation, harassment, sadness, fear, anger and despair. Cup after the pain, misery and death, still nothing: home, tunnels, goods, name, friends, a new Qi, brothers, parents, and �C as we know how to count it--at the time of their lives. IE very clear why things yourself, who is blind acceptance. Oh, life, people who don't know about you, let him enjoy you, but as long as the awakening and the people who know the truth, but would prefer to move directly from the cradle to the grave, from the uterus go straight to grave. The suffering one of the most common signs of life, is when we are born, the cry of the sth One man, one woman, a King or Queen when entering the world of horns, not someone else, is their crying, announce our lands alone is sadness. Screaming to the mother and the baby's crying head life, what can we expect? self-awareness of this ancient idiom to chant in mind in every direction, and pitched in deerfeisi Temple wall. Wise men, philosophers is to remember respectful recording in the heart: "know yourself!" However in biology, but often wrong understanding the purpose of life, but people are often slipped and fallen. Person of noble will instead become a lost cause. Those who have no self-knowledge, never truly understand anything other, often reduced to a wise man's slave. Harm xingke robbers, shifenkesi difficult for travelers, is nothing like the ego of ignorance. Ignorance does not know ignorance, lost do not feel that they do not, that is stupid.? clear as water must not be fully convinced that anything, even the most limpid water; water too transparent, change of State to make it larger, deformation, or something hidden in the depths of the Earth and with a smile, like all politicians are the same. Alexander Court try a case of truth, often listen with one ear to the plaintiff, masks and other ear, he said, "I must keep an ear to hear false false. "More and less numerous, and few people. Forget spring road to climb qingyun, and successfully on the first stage, you will meet weird Springs, walking in the way of people often use this thirst for springs of water solutions of their ambitions. This spring is different from ordinary water, one of which is to forget the past. I saw some people drank a mouthful, an old friend of old �C those humble days witness forgot, even their own brothers and sisters can be forgotten. There is a barbaric drink this spring, they do not know the biological father, all obligations and all the gracious and throwing back of her head. People who drink this spring, just wanted to take, don't want to, they just want to be the creditor, incorrectly, the debtor. Even forget they are above the sea, totally not thinking they are where born. For them, who reminds them of the once-lowly people or events, are detrimental to their honor, should forget. Spring of drinking them ungrateful, awe-inspiring Pudent, start with familiar people estrange, Sensen floated his own throne, did not know others do not know themselves. Changed most everyone who is so rich. Utterly dissimilar nature to observe a lion, you know the lion is true of all, a goat, knows all the sheep are to be so. To understand a person, but can only say that a person, and may not be fully aware of him. All lions are very harsh, all sheep are naive; one's character is very different. Descendants of noble Eagle will give birth to the noble, but the celebrity is not necessarily known for generations, bad people might not be the villain. Everyone faces with taste, never a two person views. Natural nature gives human beings a variety of faces, so that we can all manners having to avoid mix of good and evil, male and female without differentiation, one of the evil tuiji to all the people. Many craft research on a wide variety of herbs, symbiotic were dying but for us and I's people to study and understand their characteristics are more important things! in fact, we can see, not all who really is, in our big cities everywhere in the town there were all kinds of terrible monsters: those with nothing to a wise man, I do not know Ming Shen of older persons, no big not small young, shameless women, rich and benevolence and his ilk, poverty and rude, which is not expensive is, lawlessness, a human person, as well as the loss of personality of the person. No way, forge ahead people belonging to rational thing, but human reason is often subject to the animal, level a singular world of emotional control. Starting from the greatest disorder, many malformations monster, all wrongs reversed. Virtues of widespread persecution, evil win applause; cold shivers in silence the truth, and Spoofing lick multilingual; once you are down, and will abandon the wisdom became very stupid, right to powerful people do stupid things also called wisdom. Supposed to care of those who Buddhist killing, new branches and leaves of the tree early death, mudong old trees bloom. Honesty and integrity of the person is humiliate, mental confusion, left without differentiation, rampant heresy in the world, cart before the horse, trampling on virtue, backtrack. If we can look back, how many will turn back! will not keep a person in the world. We climb the ladder of life, where foot, Cascade �C the day disappear, no way, only the single-minded determination to move forward. Evil evil evil remember Germany gathered together to under three glasses of stomach, announced that was public enemy of mankind, not for other reasons, but only because they can use rational thinking. Occasion of the upcoming war, "not" appeared. He's not from hell as rumors say, is not coming from the tent, but coming from the attic hypocrisy ambition. He was a well-deserved reputation, in a scene, causing a quarrel, arguing about who should lead the strikers, evil evil German everyone wanted to try. Belly-claimed to be the first of all evil, as early as in a cradle which he win a battle. Lust from the evil in the strength and courage to the highest, and boasts of his brilliant achievements in war, therefore, held up by his command of many. Greedy self-proclaimed himself as the source of all evil, pride is talking about family ①, claiming that only she and one of the most considerable ②. Outrage seen in such a case were indignant, countersunk rampage, and the evil contradicting themselves. Time, thousands of evil wicked racing, utterly ridiculous, and chaos. At this point, malicious to express informed opinion, meaning probably is evil says groups should unite not single-handedly take: "sth As regards thePioneer who has questions about it? of course not my eldest daughter Meng Ti ③ don't be, she is the initiator of all evil, evil sources, mother of crimes, Bull snakes, changeable, hundred-foot insect, phony King and ancestor of the Spoofing; Spoofing is lying and being deceived by the rule of two Kings of the world, whether they are because of ignorance or malicious, deceptive or cheated. Fake and fraud to attack people, especially in his innocence of childhood and youth. Let them think tank gauge and strategy, ambush using fictitious, fabrications, spoofing, and that Italy families remaining sons line up going, and the wicked in turn attack turns out catch catching child led captivity captive, young people will be playing the triumphal return. "① heaven she is the first descent. ② the rest are evil beast within. ③Meneira, Spain "lying". Stimulation for the prohibition of things prohibited, people always germinating off a curious interest, gave his life would like to have. So, want what they seek, bans on the line below. Once the most ugly thing is prohibited, fanatical than the pursuit of the most beautiful thing. Prohibition of fasting, and Epicurus (School of abstinence) �C even in the dark oujiabalusi ① also starved at alive. Prohibition of chaste, even Venus will rush to leave Cyprus ②, training women to it. So, cheer! the world never deceive, see infidelity, ungrateful, quarrel, betrayal to betray the bad behavior. Theatre and the casino closed, virtue fashion in the city, date back to earth when the good, the woman and her husband restored well, Virgin and known treasure Joan. Politicians are no longer full of lies, no longer lies in the City; wishes to respect the six commandments of men and women, all sentient beings happy rebirth, the golden age trippingly comes. ①Heliogabalus, fornication of Roman emperors, forcing the people believe in Apollo, open killings; out gay party, offending public opinion was killed. ②Cyprus, Venus of island living. Ends and means many vulgar poor confused multifarious, which means mistake is one of the purposes, means becomes an end. This temporary thing, to a lasting, bait but not for a long time away. They should end at the start, should be started at the end. Creator of foresight, thrill at the Pepsi into life as a medium, enabling people in addition to hard to be free. Her wise plan to help people get through all the pain. However, the life which the malicious. When his animal attack, more than than any animal, fallen human nature, personal loss, the rush into a purpose, life becomes a means to achieve this objective. He did not eat to live, but it is live to eat; leave and rest, and indolence. Not for breeding species, but indulged lust. Reading research and thinking is no longer in order to understand their own, but do not know. He does not need, just to breath quickly. Not enjoy life, but for the enjoyment of life. Therefore, all evil is headed by the pleasure. Pleasures became the pioneer of nerd studying paranoia, the desire for good food and these emotional accomplices; it was dragging people away and let him push, get carried away. Along with the popular God of luck sits on the throne of her brilliant, his head motionless for extreme, surrounded by qunchen and waited on. At this point, two people enter the Palace begged her effects of grace. First person requests the God of luck helping people good luck to him in the pursuit of truth, be wise and prudent Tuk heart-friendly. Spectator cross winked and quietly said: "be careful, or else the world was his. "The God of luck looked dignified, felt dejected because, it was. The second person came up, they find just the opposite. He wanted his energetic ignorance and stupidity of the Valley. Officials hear such strange but in all seriousness, request their laughter. God of luck smile and it was. Two happy, Everything in Its Right Place, with the sound of gratitude, to go away. Public officials like he masters, it is customary to observation of the host's color, just look changes have been noted. Her detection, they witnessed the changes, so loudly asked: "do you think, the two men smarter? first?: you totally wrong. He is a stupid and did not know what they seek, has become a big deal. Second person knows why, uncompromising graphic would be his in the world. "When they hear her so contradictory, confused, and so she then their interpretation:" the wise little. One city, four could not be found. Four? one country, even the two could not be found. Many ignorant people everywhere, countless fools, get their support people will rule the world. "The truth needs to let the truth be savvy legal wife, vain was her rival, trying to catch her out of bed. In order to pull down her throne, false trick, wanton libellous, stiff criticism shock truths and crude, rough clothing, simple, flexible boasts of his urbane, witty, stylish, thin, and pander to them. She's a natural look ugly, but good dress up. Her pleasure as bait, it won't be long before it subverts hearts most noble part. Seeing their exclusion of truth, then made a witty complaining, consult a Save method. "Listen, my friend," witty said, "these days, there is no more difficult than yingshengsheng disillusionment swallow food, no more bitter than the naked truth of things. Direct light eyes, even the Eagle and the Bobcat were can't afford, not to mention those people with eye disease, what can you expect her to? smart doctor invented the truth package sugar approach, defeat the taste is sweet, the reason is this. Remember this truth, will thank you opinion on this point. You should like the politicians, to the decorated clothing knowledge, to borrow some jewelry from her, I guarantee your success. "Truth be suddenly, pay attention to the modified their appearance, then restore the original position, but also rich in ingenuity, attack in calculating, seemingly distant things become very cordial, use the past to allude to the present, feint, good at mobilizing the various emotions, specially for the affectation; Bigot on the matter is when you invoke the those allegory of easy to understand, making full use of those ingenious PI points out their, original punch line, and finally their wish. Poor philosopher said: hate injustice of nature. But in the human world, which contradicts injured days no one day is not happening. Effect, while the poor are nothing at all, watch yourself deprived of things into the richThe hand. No attendant gifts, people think that wastage. Kanetsune silver, money begets money, wealth. The rich family wealth from one generation to another, and the poor there is not even relatives. Hungry meals Stempel, satisfied guests every day. The poor will always be poor, had no equal in the world. Fools? look like fools, is actually a fool; don't look like fools, half are fools. Ethical analysis of the human body as the full of harmony and melody instruments, put forward this argument of philosophers like gods. Adjustable string correctly, voice play music is fantastic, misconduct is iambic pentameter garbled. Musical instrument of the human body is made up of many different chord cable, between the various strings combined with extremely difficult. Some people say that tongue the most difficult to control, it is said that those greedy hands hard to beat. Some people say that the eye cannot see through the vanity; some say ears are always listening to flatter enough words of comment. It is said that boundless imagination, some say it is difficult to be satiated of appetite. It was said to be the shencangbulu of heart, or the bitter taste of visceral. I say that is sick, it runs through a person's life. An infant, this tripe is frequently hungry; youth; middle age, gluttony, for age, alcohol consumption. Ears who had eyes, there is no ear covers, because the population of ears is learning gate, the creator, they always wide open. She rather than set our ears, but also in all ears Tingsheng creatures, only human ear won't twitch, stay alert at any time. She wanted us to always stand with two ears, hearing should be alert, can't let up. Even though rest soul who has retired person Chambers, my ears open window at any time. In fact, the soul at rest, is what the two guards should remain vigilant when otherwise who encountered dangers to Warner? lazy mind who can sleep wake? vision and hearing, the difference here. Eyes to see, is a deliberate arrangement, heart, eyes to see, Tingsheng and all of them is the willingness of the ear. Most of tangible things that can stay for a long time, you do not see and later can also be; sounds mostly disappear very soon, you must grasp the opportunity. A tongue only, maintained by the lips, ears, but door always open, so we heard far more than that. Half of you have heard, one of those things and more are unpleasant, there is a solution to the Sutra, and that is to listen. Some things are too rude, our ears with their hands. Smart mouth natural nature how thoughtful arrangement is so that people not only the words of mouth as well as taste! our language test before, sometimes chewing first, to consider whether to speak or write with substance, if detected language likely to offend others, you can be a little sweet choice. "No" taste can also be tasted, infer others able to swallow, icing on the package. So the tongue for products other than food, and no harm giving full play to its magical effect, so that we remain silent in due time. Ear function creator function conferred on the ears, is intended to serve as filters, knowledge of the funnel. Internal structure of the ear's sophisticated, zigzags and vortex ring complex like shells, gaolan short walls like a fortress, which is filtered, purified, and give us time to rogue access. Deeply generous grace and attention in the Turtle Cove on the throne, slowly go slowly across the fields of time, opportunity's Palace. Everything about her mature, while elegant, did not rush to hurry nor excited excitement through night and gave her two pillows �C night of the reticent consultants, give her the most thoughtful and the stabilization of the recommendations. She experienced years of vicissitudes, bearing a solemn, wide and calm, see after all the suffering in the world has become extremely forgiving-minded and spiritual horizons, got used; the Roman nose, straight and tall, release anger breath spray and flame of desire; mouth small treasure of the URN, locking the seven emotions, a little bit not releasing ①; wide, Yang Xin storage, brewing time to maturity, and stomach of thick, large enough to hold the fate of the generous gift of gourmet; sore throat swallow everything in life and, finally, its heart such as sea, waves of passion can be swallowed up, Ablation of the fiercest storms and no noise, no droplets. In short, she lives, depth, volume, no less. ① soul deep dive are not revealed. Virtues of Man is the soul of the universe. People get the praise of all perfection, is lending his creator. God gave him a soul; his flesh; fire to his body temperature; water to his bodily fluids; air he breathed; stars in his eyes, and Sun gives his vigorous face, luck to his property; the reputation he honors; he; Earth to give his family friend to his partner; parents to give his character; teachers give him wisdom. When he learned that after all this change, this question: "tell the truth, what belongs to me? if everything is borrowed, I left a little bit?" " Virtue, virtue is your own, no one can take them back. Without it, all is vanity; the other thing is a joke, she can only take it seriously. She is the soul of souls, life's life, endowment, a perfect head a Crown of life good. She is at the core of happiness, glory of Queen's Bench, the pleasures of life, conscience state of successful, knew the breath, moderate source of well-being Spa, feast of ideas, the will, Xie Mingcun of the kind. She's rare and Rare, wherever it much attention. Everybody wants to learn her looks, but few people really have her. Evil put on her clothes, imitation of her move, even the worst of people also want to be as good. Everyone needs to someone honest to yourself, everyone is not allowing people to gossip, bully and I insulted me, but no one is willing to care from, starting from our own. Virtues of lovely, elegant, and air, but the world Heli and against her. True virtues there is dew, people think they found her, in fact, but only saw her shadow, has done is just hypocrisy. Renren, and others, Germany, and less than Phoenix, Phoenix like wind. "Both character and talents is the axis of wisdom. Natural sometimes is good, sometimes with wit, culture can make both a higher level. Personalities and talents complement each other, can beat heqiuli atalasi ①, the rest of the Endowment also glow with radiance. They lack one, only half of the work, only enable fuyun indulged his jealousy or deliberately left out. WIT has always been able to win more extol, but talent wanted to succeed, you need to match personality and interests. Otherwise, excellent character, intelligence flaws need indemnityRecovered. Some wise people, grade, though not vulgar, says nature depends entirely on the talent, but we often see is putting the cart before the formation of the two monsters. Both essence and modification for the soul, wisdom is the perfection of the Crown. Everyone is a small world, the soul is his sky. Wisdom for this small world, as if the Sun is to the world. Apollo claims out CD carefully taking into account the God of truth in this. Wit a step further, life is a step further. Our level of personality, taste, Harbour a rational thought. ①Atlas, Greece myth in the support of heaven and Earth, Guinness, succubus Medusa into Georgia. Personality is a personal little masters of wisdom of the people is better than all other animals in the world, as the angels than people. A man of intellectual excellence can even combine some of the divine. Features short, life is a pity if the limbs of the heart failure, the lack of imagination and reasoning abilities, would become even worse. The difference between man and man, sometimes large differences between man and animal: the differences are not essential, but in the environment, and is not dynamic, and personality. Fox walked into a carving workshop, I saw a mask, impressively says: "there is no head head is so cute! I found many philosophers believe that some vacuum. "A lot of people see, just like the Fox. Seeing things there is a certain knack to scan inside thing. Beneath the beautiful exterior is often covered with ugly and ignorance. Wear the skin of a lion instead of opening, most stupid beasts can fool the most refined. Silence can cure stupidity; not only cover up destitute, can make it more mysterious. As for the character, in the era of lame and blind ①, extols her as the divine spirit. Recognizes the importance of the ancients, as patron. Deviation of some of those insights, and even think that personality is the master of this little world. No harm is unique, but not unusual; can be sophisticated, but should not be contradictory. In today's world, quite a few character and identity: Liege is not heroic, scholar does not discriminate wisely. Good character is the fruit of sublime nature, was by temperament a mature soul and upgrading. This awesome, make people choose those glorious; its ability to observe and analyze things is to link. ① literature often "time" description of lameness, here together with blind, meaning before the Christian era. Aware of their own personality without which character or wisdom for all undertakings, which is not out to each other is a failure to accommodate the career. Sometimes, we get lost because of ego or sense so completely at odds with the chosen career. In battle was who shame shame in Mongolia, may occupy a humble place among others Temple intellectual feet. Odd long ① once said that the phrase: "seek self-knowledge, and logistics application. "Wise person should know the first step is knowing. Along the inhalation of air and respecting intellectual sth With their own qualities often received only adverse consequences. Water for rebellious individual tastes, talent and luck and my boat, and lethal torture. The bad acting, also govern the country and city. Behavior is often more important than the day. Rome is not suitable for every personality and wit of man, in the lore of the utilins ②, and all their needs. Even in the same city, people in some of the home, while others like the host. Even if our great Madrid, because of the great mother of Philip and become connected to the world, but in some people's eyes are a stepmother. One can find its natural centre is what a happiness! Crow is not muse ③ nest between the wise little noise in the downtown area, Ming Shen of the people and not all mortal beings. Between the different races and Nations, character and customs of the attraction and exclusion are also worth pondering. Comes, of course, is happy, but it is simply impossible. Various ethnic groups, some pride abomination, some light can be tedious, some fraud, Savage, who can bear? unless our own origins in this nation, in others it seems unbearable, and we are fully able to accept. ①Chilon, Greece one of the seven the sages. ②Corinth, Greece cities, Julius Caesar as the Roman regime in Greece of the Centre. ③Muses Greece mythology in charge of nine goddesses of poetry and art. Character and intellect companion to meet like-minded people personality and talents, is one of the great blessing of life, and know how to search for such people, you rely on accomplishment; can communicate with them a long time more Kung Fu. Proceedings of the wise men talk about is better than reading books for ten years, most happy life than this. The unique character of people particularly grateful, because humanity unlimited, noble and popular goodness and malice, Lou, wisdom and ignorance to blame for jump, pole gap. Natural selection between friends and choose your friends is also kept. Opportunities are usually first step, did not take into account our temperament, we decided he, career, as well as friends, and servants, even a spouse. It is for this reason, we can be heard everywhere alas Fu thin lame, complaining seems like a tired by the evil of others of poor quality, like dragging their feet in handcuffs, a dilemma. Character and intellect, which one is better, which is even worse, hard to dispute. More than offsetting the shortage and, by virtue of the power of human improvement, personal training to upgrade. However, is not aware of his talent and efforts of people blindly without flew back. The two extremes of human nature in hexiaodegong ①, the different characteristics of functional human gods. In fact, our wisdom is not the Pallas, the United States nor Venus reward, eloquence isn't maiqiuli are taught, Yongli is not conferred by Mars, but by the accomplishment of the day after tomorrow and continuing efforts to create these credentials. Some people ought to flow to reveal that an admire of force is not Jupiter gives, but by our own mug up no suffix, jiugong deep accumulation. The vast majority of mankind is extreme. Some people are born or malicious criticism of others and destroyed, and lack of confidence that they will achieve nothing. They never try their luck, or attempt to use his intellect, and bring disgrace to both. They step by fear, not bright, eyes vast obstacle, and fate themselves small and incompetence and refused to try a little as, is equal to authorize others to dominateAnd the pursuit of life. These people without floats is absolutely not launching, attitude, there is no real meaning at all. Another extreme is to look at your own risk. They become complacent in their own actions, no doubt without regret. Them on your own judgment overconfident, they too badly wrong, the more they love his reasoning, ugly like child, the mother was all the more precious. What is carefully since they do not know to give up, disappointed did not know what. They all live in good, like the most stupid, dwelling on the simple people of that sort of carefree joy of stuffy. ①Hesiod, very prestigious Eighth century BC Greece poets. Out the meter carefully taking into account the courage of establishing the authority of the golden mean between two extremes �� Ming Shen, period of caution taking into account the courage of the gist of which is prescribed. This decisive, fuyun tend to not to be stingy came up trumps. Referred to above is not the kind of excellence by nature and natural of honor, but both those first contraction tail, nor overbearing arguments Ming Shenzhi. This caution, either through its own understanding of things on the basis of either with ancient and modern validation logic in evidence, or borrow the present age men, on the drawing, select one of several ways, speech act can naturally have credibility. Wealth can also giving authority. Gold giving stupidity a strange light, silver, words pleasing dazzling rich ass ming won the House down, poor vision is be in one year and out the other. But the highest level of authority from the adequate knowledge and experience of doing things for a long time. Proficient business nature can be both ways, carefree relaxed, speaking tutors. Master the knowledge, natural to acquire audience. Authority any abstract suspense can't make you have such authority, but long steeped in order to make such achievements. Always strive for natural sense. Authority of this kind of thing, naturally, people. Those who once took over, has not been touched. Natural and human created superior, their weighty, nothing can stop it. Where they themselves, work well baqun. Even mediocre talent, this authoritative support can also make, if a little show, uncompromising graphic. Of those who lack credibility, faced with a difficult situation mentally disturbed. Once you reveal a doubt look, is less likely to have wonderful at all. Suspicion breeds fear, expelling courage, upset, actions lag doesn't do. Spirit lost perfection must calm demeanor that share. Language with some credibility, even for those who are severely criticized for you who will also respect and recognition for you. Prestige words makes you a lively wisdom arises spontaneously, just as puzzled timid person language retardation, great eloquence for the freeze. Handling things with prestige, chat, or reasoning, be respected from the outset. Heart of doubt and fear, you can get from taking insults. Decently, but a wise man must always think twice, particularly in the are not familiar with the environment, as well as knowledge of deficiencies. If you have no sense of propriety, it should be detecting subtly, as I said in the book of wisdom. Facing the nobility as well as all rights, should be slightly converging straight character, nor a convergence is downgraded to the other extreme, impartiality should be kept. Not overly confident and annoys them, nor ourselves impetuousness. Is not cowardice, not forthright, it is most appropriate. With the talk should be appropriate to maintain superior tone, whether it is directing others, still needs it. Some people have fear, tuoda proud. Those born of defeat, the day after tomorrow and have a successful career and his ilk are usually not the case. May God bless us, travel do not meet those authorities, they turned to cast of fetal human, such as those rude doorman, detestable attendants. This high endowment, everywhere can see their wonderful, especially for those divine Kings. Speeches home it can spin dry go Kun; for it is required for professional lawyers; ambassadors have such gifts can not insult the Quartet; leaders have the talent superiority. Born the prestige of some people born with a noble gas, some smart alert. Spain people noble temperament, others see the arrogant but its August natural expression of nature. Spain August for the temperament of the people, rather than artificiality; as other people are good at flattering flattering. Spain boss who is good at. This issue, increase good Tim Mei Avenue, people of the whole character �C which faces are so light and even stride jubilantly, as printed on your feet, foot shows the true state of one ' s mind. Some people are born and deeds with Royal meteorological. Creator as if born they make someone else's brother. They are born as superior, even if no positions, his virtue on a known person. They are filled with the spirit of the King, the most common actions are also showing their winner's demeanor. They are good to dominate others, catching people's minds, be capable of shouldering important tasks. Other people may have more knowledge, more noble, more robust, but the weather makes them if not the gift of the King of these people, achievements are often superior. The spirit of servility and relatively poor soil is made, no courage, and blind faith in someone else's taste, will never doubt their own likes and dislikes. They are shadows, not for ourselves, but for others, these people are not given to flattery specially, towards the jester, they do lackey's qualification is very high, even climb. This trait �C prestige �C wearing a Crown, other noble endowments at Squire, such as calm, elegant and rugged, moderate show, praises sth However, some of the worst rows are often side-by-side with, such as the maggots bone, beware, like being pretentious, forthright, overbearing and obtrude sth All these are Ming Shen and wisdom of the hateful stepfather. Pride and spirit also has its heroism and style, and even more excellent than the body. Open and above board of air, handsome, flow and reveal the beauty of the heart. Eye of the soul to appreciate inner beauty, beauty with the naked eye, inner wisdom gained appreciation than outer good taste to be praised. Pride is an extraordinary gift, but broad open-minded to accommodate. Generosity is the pride of specific actions, is the broad peak in our mind. A manifestation of enthusiasm is kind to the enemy, it uphold the famous dictum of the Christian walk Avenue. Pride at the time of revenge may execute the most wonderful, it does not exclude revenge, but further into unheard of generosity. French has beenRich spirit of pride, Louis 12 to know that the road to become immortal. When he reigned, those who had insulted him agitated fear in a desperate situation, he is a priceless jinyan, revenge of the heart into Chien hao style: "you do not have to be afraid. France monarchs do not insult for the Duke of Olhao found hatred. "Pride and overcome jealousy, but don't take this as a big mighty virtue, never think they conquered anything, because it has no heart of bullies combative. Pride and winning by virtue, civic virtue attributed to dote on God. Sometimes, pride and without access to due, and makes others feel less than. Pride and condescending as a matter of expediency, accomplished his wish, and won praise. Pride and show their talent when no one's attention, on the occasion of being underestimated his magnanimity, although not contempt, as a courtesy, because the cracks are hard to fill cracks caused by the libellous. Merit requires delicate defects. Pride insult of the nature and destiny into effort and Learning Awards, first to admit that he is missing, by others a foregone conclusion. It is not ourselves, but heroes heroism. Consequences different from self praise, criticism makes all the more noble sth Pride when people out of embarrassment, the situation of involvement was polite, it to a speech or a motion to lend a hand, like humor, aphorisms, deliberate mistakes, contradictions, is appropriate where it can be to problem solving for them off the hook. Aquila afengsuo Fibonacci diernan entertain the King was in his house and enthusiasm for their predicament. King too stairs narrow, he replied, "Lord, I never dreamed of a such a great VIP arrival we make sth" pride is easy and spontaneous lovers, not only does it make good looks even more beautiful, but also to provide excuse for suspicious actions, so that it looks like a fantastic soothing error, and consequences of the Act, is understandable. Pride of anti-King makes people seem natural and normal, timid looking courtesy of the priests, women hesitated for like Ming Jishen concerns. Chizhiwei a bad form of negligence of others, pride and the accident of understatement as not worthy of attention, but enthusiasm always not forget restraint so as not to flow as frivolous. Pride and there is no shortage of enemies, so his victory more impressive; and enthusiasm in order to highlight the virtues and trample on many evils. Pride only winning evil evil is only slightly Shiren, because it has no place people in desperate heart. Abhorred in pride life stingy narrow, and has a noble mind something a lot. Adults with heroism, heroic spirit has always been a hero. Simin carefully seek Guinness have a rich experience and extensive knowledge of the taking into account the victories achieved over its valiant and effective; flashing chains of his mouth, than frightening sticks his hand can win more appreciated. Which he used to tame monsters drop spot, former intellectual catch clever opponent, to surrender under the charm of his words. In short, to zhishihe than to seek the surrender by Guinness as captured by the mighty seek Guinness. Well-mannered, raising deep, his talk, popular everywhere, and get on with the curiosity of people making friends with your heart. This study is not reading or non-university institution to teach, but in the arena of good taste and intelligence in the great Hall. Someone like wisdom of proverbs, sensitive to the trip to observe the movements of heroes, pay attention to names DaYi position and traces of the attack. They are the symbol of curiosity, a good grade of master of Confucianism and Taoism. Knowledge is learning to talk s wide range of tours, is a wise man heritage imbue, traditional knowledge and to learn as treasures. Each era has the diligence and wisdom, the so-called rolling on. But one step ahead of the ancients, authoritative, jealous envy of modern oil heart. Close at hand is the great enemy of reputation. Many magical things once known close, renowned reputation will disappear at once. Some transfer anytime, anywhere; often testimonial something away from yourself, light base down things that are close to their own. This desirable knowledge, Supreme State, the most valuable asset is widely known in the world, as far as the nobility Palace, far fame marketplace �C for all practical knowledge of popular events, and understanding its causes; as well as key actions against leader of tasks, events, phenomena of the natural magic of rare mutations, various transport potential of close observation. Life mastery understanding of life more accessible is the highest qualities of understanding, and comedy actor more thoroughly insightful understanding of the universe, every leader, every hero in the world knows, found in various areas of wisdom, courage, Ming Shen, style and outstanding heroism, talents, extraordinary people, particularly the holy man �� a State in the extreme to your master. Give everyone a place to assess their level of Excellence merit, weighing their intrinsic value, go into the nobility of contradictions, a prominent longitudinal do as one pleases, honour your disdain or vulgar. Analysis of life with this approach, forming a set of ideas of things, in seeking a balance between divergent views and eventually get the truth about life. More than excellent, you can appreciate the words and deeds, regardless of their heroes is geniality, whether it is a wise man pontificating, is also the words of the critic, joke of the prostitutes and even politicians, are deduced from a variety of lesson ideas sth Learning to talk conversations, it is a more common knowledge, sometimes more benefits than Burson-seven arts, brings you more famous elegant look. It is not common sense can explain, it depends on the talent and gift of God, even without assistance from other skills. Certainly not completely excluded other skills, but for all kinds of tricks to drive. As the rich are very humble, adds a good impression, this accomplishment of enamel-like, as all good quality then a layer of gloss-coated. Conversation is the quality of all forms of beauty, knowledge of top talent show. Sometimes, the paper well written letter or voicing a keen words, larger than the learned more. Who is good at this are rare, they are curious collection of Treasurer, profound knowledge of Liang Jia. If no one is careful observation records father and son, Alexander luomalishidadi, arah gang afengsuo and Greece the seven sages of the wisdom of others, we would lose the greatest treasure--the real life wealth of human wisdom. Meet the mentor if you could meet such rare, courageous and wise person, be sure to enjoy the beauty of its insight and fruit. People are hungry, struggling to find insights in the book, they specifically ask for help often is for selfish reasons, but we ask people if they wants us to have for a long time, and keep the greatness of man, then such selfishness are hardly a vanity. TourCalendar of the Quartet, and date of return remained dull like going out, don't know why and go out, there is no widely experienced. Lacking the connotation of people, there is no good at observing things. Thoughtful people like sensitive bees, starting with the most brightly colored flowers draw the most sweet and good wine. Nectar is not prepared for the stupid man, vulgar people have struggled to have this knowledge, they never to think beyond the moment. Someone will be happy in the stomach, in pursuit of life was just play a good, as a human being should have a higher intelligence is sleeping does not wake up. Their logos are not owned, savvy sluggish. Some people refuse to bottom material comforts of life, their lack of knowledge and wealth is inversely proportional to rich. People who knew such truth is people's lives. Life in half the time spent in conversation, enter into with others with your heart, who is Ming Shen feast of fun. Fickle not mixed with the defects and defects of excellence, hard to gain. Brocade on the more prominent on the spot than burlap. One of the great man missing, are all along. It was born, it is pretended to this State. This shortcoming is like the ocean, waves under stress before, with some ups and downs along with, it will be people thrown into the sky, then smashed him on top of the rock. Novice surging Ocean is often overwhelmed those knowledgeable of the Navigator, watching people dizzy, they burst into laughter. Because they know that our painful changes today, tomorrow we will be applying with a smile. Fickle don't spot is, of course, a bad habit, but they can be seen in the evil fortune. Ah, Ming Shen man, they bypass the tip-Misaki, detecting Vortex, was how cool! their pet humiliation doesn't care about luck? they are not moved by official honour or disgrace. Good does not belong to the grotesque vain character, which has done incredible. Its many half half-forgotten "perhaps" series, in spite of its ideals, disgraceful wife, ①. Blank cheque today on the "good", is put on a stern expression parade tomorrow with a "no". Today's delightful and turned into tomorrow's enmity, and is instead, without any reason. Fickle Kings do not often reflected in the body, not their likes and dislikes, perfunctorily impulse, at random, as well as Mao die man, manners, like a child, that policy rule is just a free game. ① shishiwu, after all, tend to extenuating circumstances, even the Ming Shenzhi syndrome. Consistent wise people, all things are possible with consistent, even positions a home, but the goal has always been able to maintain consistency. Potential impact of their strength, but not about their emotions, to their knees before the situation, all kinds of things will be arranged as a way to table insist your dream, let people know all the changes are forced by the situation, was not himself recklessly. Consistency helps not only to pick up someone, will also help deal with virtue. Di Mite flow due to volatile ① have been to a lot of criticism. He rapidly, different every day, in time of war is different in a peaceful era. Being a fighter, he is moral leadership, time of harmony, you are considered to Chief. War, the friend of his goodness, declared war on the goodness in peacetime. But the absurdity of the fickle, too-free Nero. He did not know or temperate, but their indulge yourself. Capricious situation there are two, some confrontation with the conscience, others chunran yielding the depravity of their own. From bad to good is very commendable, good, better, more is good. -General changes, mostly from good to bad, because people often see only the evil, virtues I saw back. Evil, good to go. It was stated that the world itself is changing, volatile does not, of course, human nature should conform to the nature. The Earth also has changes to display their magnificent mountain valley. Behind all the fickle time? hair and put on cream. Also changes in harmony of the universe as a whole, if that man is a small universe, he was a change of passwords, how full blame? call ugly, perhaps not ugly, but made from all sorts of bad perfect proportions. Otherwise. Rocking the spirit was much less perfect at home. So to define perfection, is way out of celestial bodies. ①DemeTRIUs, King of Macedonia, in the third century BC. Good choice today, the essence of all human knowledge, is to know how to make a reasonable choice. New new opinion has become less and less, or no, on some of the most important things, everything should be questioned in any novel. We can say is in the end, looking back once upon a time, people of the golden age is good at inventing, who was just icing on the cake it; everything today is nothing more than to repeat the old. Everything has been sufficient progress has been made, just look at how to choose. We live in a selection, and choose to lead a full life, it is natural to give us the most important gift. Only a few people received this gift, look twice as valuable. Every day we are keen to see those mind subtle, to judge people �C seriously, very learned and well informed people, once encountered when choice, have shown that be at one ' s wits ' end. They often make the worst choice, self-sufficiency in the most meaningless lives and enjoy most unworthy thing, by being informed of despise/scorn, disdain for the members. Everything they do is not successful, no applause, will not be to favor. So if a person cannot make a wise choice, no effort and talent are any good. Choice of career choices incredibly important. All jobs and career will depend on this, the bigger the more so. This is the perfect icing on the cake of any key, is a sign of success. Not very good at choices, material and workmanship is superior in any event, doomed to anything. There is no gift of good taste, doing nothing is not very well. Many monarchs are purely because it has the talent to become famous, CSSA acting a myriad of State Affairs and delegate any person not properly. Some other monarchs because the wrong choice of tools, glorious Scepter contaminated by a deadly spot. Some professions, among its essentials in selected, especially those who must be entertaining career. Orator should prefer serious and laudable topic historians should choose actual useful topic; philosopher should choose brilliantly powerful principle; whenever people should pay attention to the taste of others, which is to choose a major and sometimes even give up one's own views and follow others, even if their grade is more superior. Our most be sensible writersSchreyer said it well: "the dinner party, I would prefer to please my guests, grievances seasoned chef. "Talk to satisfy taste without regard to their own audiences and what use is it?, after all, we should know who is listening to who taste? of his preference for subtle, and he liked the bold metaphor, or vice versa, the same reason. Production process also taste at all. I've talked about two artisans, their competing beauty, one of them to be exquisite, every piece of work is in this masterpiece, but it all works together, but far from pleasant. Another person does not have a work can be perfect, but he was good at choices, make the work, and won the world extol. Choice and quality choice for personal taste, but how do you know your own taste is good going? measure grade can learn from others. The best is subject to your own taste, not to get too dependent on others, but if other factors, you will enjoy what you have in me, and I have you in the beauty of it. Good choice out of good taste, success and happiness comes from a good choice. Choices consistently succeed is a fluke. Poor taste has the potential to destroy everything, even things that have been the best is yet to be may destroyed because of poor arrangement. Grade of some very weird, you always make some of the worst decisions, like Rasputin make mistakes, specialized in the best of the worst speech, at the highest expectations of it say the stupidest words. Bees select Finish, flies more than bad! with a garden, a draw us juice, a Chase dirty. Whether it is due to ignorance or illusory, grade illness worse. Cripple one's own taste tends to bring disaster on other people, hard to others accepted his paradox jump to the standard. Taste of outstanding elements is another good potential to pay attention to all sorts of occasions, this is the first principle of success. This grade other than excellence itself, as well as timely, suitable land, because sometimes the best taste very inappropriate on certain occasions. Excellence and shook hands, and subsequently successfully to. Grade is suitable to use for the time being, aware of their social status, careful analysis of a wide variety of people, under continuous adjustment. Able to do so, the choice to claim to have perfect. Emotions and choice of emotion is the great enemy of Ming Shen, so the enemy is a wise choice. Emotions don't have self control, only their own outlet, longitudinal it wishes to do as one pleases fast push rather than vector; it does not know to distinguish "good idea" and "Favorites", but wishful thinking and self-deception. Choice to dominate many things, some of them are exalted. For example, our choice of occupation and environment often affect one's own life. A pair, make mistakes, sometimes with irreparable failed load. Most important commitment in life, often taking in youth, but it is a pity that, during this period, we had little knowledge and experience, even the Ming Shen, most mature young enough when this important responsibility. Choose friends of kinship and friendship is equally important, friendship should choose, you should not let opportunities. Relatives should choose, relative to this is the life of a great help, but the enemies who often become useless. If I can select children, will be the biggest blessing. But there are too many delusional thought tends to be the worst of people selected to their children. The creator does not let us choose to do so, perhaps not rather than good, because the people who gave good sons and daughters of God, often teaching by precept, or simply ignore the parenting so that they become more pronounced. People who waste gift of nature and luck, was a number of members. There is no selection, it won't be perfect. This gift is actually two gifts: the freedom of choice and a wise choice. Missing these two endowments, masked like child grab a ghost game, blind touch dead rats and cats, are purely opportunities. If you can't make a wise choice, accept the choice advice from wise, or learn from their examples. Rare precious things with excellence of much abuse. Everyone in search of excellence, with the result that its flow in no means unusual. Excellent stuff without scarcity, would have been decried as vulgar, so is excellence, abortion is also excellent. Who all praise of things, but became tired of everyone, come to think of it I felt sad alas. Too abundant is gnawed excellence termites of the thing. This termite was born in the great things that ruin, is constantly showing receive nourishment, the results are boring, and restaurant on its sweep. Continue to reveal anything anybody will eventually become banal things. Nothing but a big drawback, but may be used, or if you want, or just as bad. There is much that many people, many competing requests, ask them all the things the maze, even those who are not consistent with their personality and qualities too, seems as long as they deal with things that can guarantee success. Their merit that stand out against their laziness of others, so that their image exhibition in the sight of all. Their reputation so that they become much impulse. This is not caused by the loss of their own, but shadow the environmental situation. Result: they are encumbered with the balloon for themselves, every whim, the result value instead of lost. Which truth is really incredible! those who know how to make yourself into a rare hard to find how few! precious and beautiful at the expense of the painting and the precious brocades, often great paid a heavy price for it: every occasion often take out to show them, rubbing absently more than a number, it won't be long before either became broken and dilapidated or Jane look. Some people are neither rare nor wise, and responsive. Who does not eat, sleep, without rest, shiwudaxiao is treated as a gift to others; they do not, intervene in all matters. They are good in addition to very mild mania, Po-feather at every turn when the Arrow. Others noted their hair, or they tie; bow-tied at least their throat, so that they can only gossip or talking to yourself, let others, they are not malicious when it happened. I don't know which one is more grim in two cases: constantly hitting those people, was also brought them night and day. Such people at first, everyone is welcome, everyone eventually rejected. They handled the matter not to succeed. In some cases, could have noble things slide down the potters wheel (wheel of Fortune), their reputation smashed. Happy is impossible, all offending is extremely easy, and they can't wait to meet everyone, results for all complaintsAcoustic load road. Surfaced with too many people are often not being jealous, that is annoying; fame is too large can cause hostility of others. Many distinguished but the obstacles to success, like a road trip Central prominent blocks harmful. Reputation as the fragile glass, you should know how to converge and protection. Some people want to be famous cock, but the more they belt out, the more annoying. One or two pointed leaves are sufficient to give them advice and awaken. Little Tibet without sauce delicious gourmet taste, taste will diminish, eat more often, the more they get fed up, preferably a little, left some appetite, until the time of hunger to taste. The desire for good food so, what about the spirit of the music? taste have become knowledge, its requirements, the more urgent. More excellence rare things, the greater the value, the most rare, evaluation is highest. Excellence for things the more hidden and not gel, but will not show, the pursuit of, the more people; the reputation the more restrained, more exciting. Anything to keep moderation are beneficial to health, such as the less appeared before the public, you can preserve the reputation. Beauty is also the same reason; shows off everywhere, regardless of where, over time will be left out, and eventually even known much disdain. One of the great female fully aware of the dangers of the flow from vulgar and very adept at using their beauty, she was the wife of the Emperor Nero bobayi. Extremely clever when she showed up in public places like slowly one by one like playing cards one by one open pocket, hiding your eyes today, tomorrow's covered amount, or cover your mouth, or cover the cheeks, never display exposed its beauty. But everyone knows her beauty, fame is therefore more Yuanyang. Wait for the right price to sell can understand this principle, gains they light. I have talked about how to win the evaluation of the wisdom, excellent how to wait for the right price to sell, how to skillfully and cover up to enhance its value, as well as how people seek effects. There is a jade traders returned from the new world, brought back a lot of jade, priceless. He visited a local jeweler, get out there a expert advice, jeweler praises. He may take it one, in every way than the first, want to get more appreciation result jeweler evaluation greatly reduced, the third, fourth, followed by half. Although each than a precious, but appreciation than the one obtained a little. Jade faced with this situation very startled, to suddenly realize to understand one of the last point. This story is also instructive to us: the Pearl, not the more the better, sometimes being a victim, if something can be easily obtained, its value will not be too high. Ming Shen man immortal, not to take things to participate. Accomplished accomplishment should continually strive after perfection, but edge and the PEP should moderate moderation. Two doors if you comply with the conventions of luck herd believes that "luck", I would imagine she had two doors. This two-door utterly different. A fan-made with white circles symbolize lucky stone, one of omens unfortunate Black circles Shek ①. A fan meet, settle, honor, Meng, wealth and success; another one is sad and worried workers, poverty hunger, scorn, as well as the whole unfortunate. Sentient beings are all from this House, all through one of the two. There is an irrefutable laws, no one could survive, that is, by people who will be another door. By the door into will mourn; mourning people, will be out the door. When the lucky person, when grief, but general orders. More applause when they play under the ear, when the outcome more of discontent. Oral sex is not important admission reputation, thus opening the norm and retired people sigh in sympathy when hard, so ends are rarely seen. Each location has a gorgeous facade Xuan person, a very bad off backyard. When we were sitting on the top spot of the important, often won fame of the Conqueror, but once you step down is often a curse. Initially received enthusiastic applause, because this is Ji Tu vulgar public benefit, count on the rise. However final is empty! God of luck arrived courtesy of, and treat unrespectly to man. Her dress to show off, and chest in white, black on the shoulder, known by its dark in order to keep it out. Ming Shen, and to obtain the Ming Shenzhi. Wise boatmen don't bow to hold the boat, but Stern control steering. Life is like a sea, is the same reason. ① ancient style, Whitehead says Kat, Blackstone said fiercely. Beginning and the end there is a Roman well aware of the truth between the end and the beginning ①, he said: winnowing galloping horse I was earlier than the others, being also abandoned earlier than others reputation. Succeed and let go of both, which is even more important at stake. Generally outlet inevitably result, ending it takes out the meter carefully taking into account. Unfortunately often forget to draw back one ' s hand back and punish, to have such foresight is a huge honor life. Wise people to abandon the fame was abandoned to others, will be obtained by the seer of good reputation. They are good at managing their own success, and make A friend in need is a friend indeed, thus maintaining the goodwill around the world. All sorts of things in the world, such as friendship, goodwill and posts should not be sharp and crack, categorically and absolutely. Any injury of sudden break loss of reputation. Lucky man, can reverse blessing before abuse case is very small. Good fortune after leaving the dross and very bitter aftertaste. It was a fluke and should not, Ming Shen. Still others, those heroes, whose end is written by God. Moses (Moses) missing, which makes the mystery of the glory, Elias ② from cyclones roll heaven, ended in victories. Even the ancient Pagan, also started some outcome and confusing, and eventually became a miracle. Luomulesi ③ died, the Senate is malicious, mysterious things, and even made him more honored. ① that is, Pompey, Caesar as famous General of Rome, after Caesar defeated, in Egypt were killed. ②Elijah, Moses and credit is the Hebrew prophets, Christianity and Islam are fairly respected him. ③Romulus, establishment of Rome who assassinated him being lied that he was by electrocution, but he became jealous jealousy of God peacocks parading and hundreds of birds eye view of four, very alert, close without glasses, telescope-looking crisp and invisible defects can also see the truth. Her taste can taste a miserable, is hoping to spend less defects found, but his eyesight have made her no rest. One day, jealousyIn front of the birds, and falls in America--Juneau in the Sun, the bird with feather Peacock was ①--. Birds eye alignment, only see it shining brightly, just as his gorgeous tail feathers on the screen. If is not malicious, then you could see hearts delight to the eyes, and with malicious, then it would be worse; unkindness cannot be converted to emulate ambition, you'll become the envy not stingy. Birds watching many of them became blind. Recently stripped of one of the most evil Cave of the feather birds, visit the bird, and gossiping. At perilous Cliff climbing search for eagles, into the pond swans, high on branches see falcons, cocks penetrating to the compost heap, and stagnation of OWL in the dark cavities. It started cunning words praise, then cold remark wounds. "Peacock adorable, dazzling, and who can deny this? unfortunately, it too boasts its own beauty. Themselves as soon as the upper center care, the best out of grace on the. Praise yourself is the most severe criticism. The greatest man on his own without a Word. If Eagles put on show that amazing feathered, you said what? I believe that it would rather use their authority to get the limelight, rather gaudy beauty. Furthermore, we admired the Phoenix, not because it's clever, but because it's rarely true Shiren, never vulgar affectation. "These words would envy into narrow mind; shallow and narrow mind regardless of what would soon be full. Jealousy is everywhere, even things that do not exist adhesion. This is a very cruel emotions, it makes the benefits of the pain and poisons. The birds can't damage the beauty in Peacock, and do everything possible to make it shine. Them with malicious calculation, not to admire its lovely, accused of vanity. "If we find a way so that it no longer boast of his feathers," magpie said, "it's beauty will fade. "Invisible is that does not exist. Bai Xiusi ②, wonderful is this: "If you do not know if you know of others, your knowledge is equal to nothing. "In fact, is true of all natural endowment. The face of the very few actual get the appreciation of life, more specious shape is popular in the world, fewer people are fools yin, and most foolish people meet only in the table. Only the wise thing to pursue substantive, but very few of the wise. The Crow and the jackdaw and the magpie, others winnow the alignment of the Special Envoy of the Republic and birds, peacocks minggu attack. Some birds did not come, carved Pudent does not act rashly, Phoenix has been missing, Dove is pure, pheasant feather swans lost in our own sweet dream, chanted the vast song of life. In the wealth and luxury residence, various birds caught parrots, it stood on the balcony of a caged-rap is the most appropriate premises. Parrot cannot be very frank, birds but hopefully less listening to something. Peacock see so many birds, that display beautiful feathers of another time. Its spacious courtyard to receive visitors, boasting elegance and stage this is it, in this case, it comparable to the Sun. However at this moment is not cool and odd can boast of. Show their excellence is not always suitable. Jealousy is a magic bird, was a monster, which one encounters something out of the claws. Beautiful and fascinating, but cheers because of jealousy becomes insulting. "You deserve, you are the jinyuqiwai, the cotton waste any stupid bird! we represent the entire bird the State Senate to warn you, collect your useless feathers, learn at your own risk. "" Look, all the birds has been offended by your big hair. They had been offended is a reason. Throughout the bird family, why you have to be a loud like a fan is wrong? the ability to many birds than you, but who disdains a try. Crane did show off top Crown? ostrich is there to show off its feathers? have you seen the Phoenix to the vulgar and his ilk do boast its Sapphire and Emerald? you shall not be such a Maverick at a later time. To do this for you. Your head whenever you half as big fan, you will have noticed, you boast of their feathers, just take a very, very ugly things put! "" Bluffing is always vulgar, motive is always a vanity. Such behaviour human heart health hostility, contempt for the wise. Sincere humility make a concession to watch out for Tuk, a clear discrimination, robust convergence of these characteristics is to is enough from the Hyatt. Real has enough without applause of the appearance of hypocrisy and vanity. Moreover, you are still a symbol of wealth. Wealth show one's money or belongings, smart do? is it safe? " King of birds heard statements cannot help all ears, very confused, it took a while to puzzle out. "Praise why always come from afar, mocking why always come from one's own race? I impressive, they point birds and bird's gossips. What do they blame, my beautiful, or shall I boast? God told me that in addition to a substantive, but also know how to show. Both a deficiency are undesirable. Most brilliant politicians tell us, the best is a practical wisdom retreat, virtual and complement each other. Knowledge, and Shiren to know, is the knowledge of double. Fuyun at Shiren, so it is with reason, an ounce of air is better than wealth tons but do not know how Shiren. Nobody knows, and exemplary devotion to what? "" Sun hiding the glorious rose does not leave the spathe cannot blooming brilliant color, diamond is not under jeweler fine Vulture thin chisel changes its depth, light, what kind of situation? so light, so the value, beauty, and do not know how to boast about, what good is it? I have winged Sun, feather roses, natural jewelry, when God gave me the perfect, expect me to this show to people. "" After the creator of Genesis, what I think the first thing is to boast. He made the light so that it shone. Just think, he praises the first thing to do. Because optical boasts all the rest, he boasted. So it seems. Boasting the very beginning and all of the important. "The Peacock said, while its colorful, changing colorful fan, like shields, both to defend their own beauty, also as a counterattack to envy. Envy bird is pissed off, speechless, attacking only push to the Peacock. Crows get eye, the rest of the bird Peck pull out feathers. Peacock utter cries of anguish and distress, Lions, Tigers, bears, monkeys sth Other beasts ran into. Deterrence p plus lions, command we no mania. After the hearing to inquire into the, it felt ridiculous, nervous feeling slightly convergent. Silence not ruled envy birds carry out a campaign without any justifiable reason, and suggested that the case to theVixen judgment because it man, calm. War between the two sides agreed to hear it. Vixen out of his smart enough, would be happy �� not only flatter Lion case, does not offend the Eagles, and access to justice, and losing friends. "The real and the table which is more important, it's not easy to decide. Some things are great, but it seems very unattractive; some things are small, looks great. Boasting and modest and also have the ability to make up for the lack of people. A lot of things is true, for example, there will be able to bluff. Material, spiritual dimensions not wait. Beautiful quality manifested in place can make shengjing in due time. "It was just to shine bright brilliant, talent is even more vigorous, shiny dazzling. Excellence and the ability of showing people are not members. We often see excellence due to lack of vigour and its own unique style, brilliant brilliant suddenly dropped. Many years ago, all one giant battlefield deterrence, Wei Qun tent they tremble groan. His battlefield King, but slow of speech. Some people are born good jewel, in this connection, Spain alone a great table. All in all, exaggeration is a brilliant look great manifestation of hero caiju, it gives the hero second nature. "However, this must be backed by real to set up. Fall short of the reality, exaggeration is vulgar cheat, would only shortcomings more obvious, even more ridiculous. Some people can't wait to get on the world stage, can be on a single, but only showing off was hidden well ignorant. "At the time of performance, most need to beware of affectation, home ownership because of the unaffected side with vanity, vanity most mocked. Reveal the talent it is important to know when to stop, but, as I often say, timing must be appropriate. In this case, moderation thing than anything. "A wise man calibre, sometimes obvious Furen, as though unintentionally. In some cases, shencangbulu is Bo road to taking credit. Most smart dew, might not be exposed, because the excited curiosity of others. "Would like to become familiar with the justified needs talent, also need to be very bright. A major factor is the universe be discharge by the sleeve, hands of the card should share one piece of excellence, little hint so that people will be exciting to come and raise expectations. "Closer to home. In my view, recognizing the beauty of the Peacock, but no it boasted would be hegemonic is contrary to common sense. Wise creator are not followed, otherwise it would have been contradictory. Not rebellious by nature, unless the acting sth "I remedy this way is both practical and useful. We command a Peacock when they show their beauty of feathers in the future, should also have noticed that those ugly scary feet. I assure you, this alone is enough to correct it vanity. "After listening to its judgment, the audience greeted with applause, peacocks and minds, Vixen therefore declared that the recess. They sent a bird call wisdom of Aesop's Fables, inviting him to the ancient fable set, join the modern story. ①Juno, Romans believed in Supreme goddess. ②Persius, luomasiduo commentary on academics, satirical poems of Cantonese Opera in Latin literature from the emotional mercy of Columbus how to become King of the mountains? not because of its small hills, it is the world the strength of this; it's not because it looked up in all directions, the great has always been object of imitation; not because it is the first one according to the sunshine, spectacular throughout is central to the glorious; not because it stars were crowned, King in successful top; it's not because it's name synonymous with days, but because it never affected by transient and changeable impressions or so. This is a form of self-made the greatest. Wind blows kisses feet of it, the cloud is that it's carpet. It is immutable, it runs counter to the mood of unsurpassed quality and vulgar. Great changes will never succumb to emotions, personality longitudinal does not allow it to do as one pleases do whatever they like. One of the wonderful wisdom is able to examine from time to time, you can get a clear understanding of your current disposition, can dominate one's own mind, overcoming your emotions, and they are not being dragged down folly, is unable to get into trouble. Foreseen to control emotions and properly is the genius feature, emotion is generally be unwell due to soul, wise people on heart disease, as the treatment of physiological and disease prevention. Bitterpills may have wholesome effects, use good judgment to resolve we don't tame the emotions, in order to effectively control it, and sometimes even contrary emotions to maintain balance Ming Shen. For which it was influenced by emotional, always biased towards the limp on one side, people cannot tolerate deal with, in any public places behave repulsive appearance, and pleasant attentions for the enemy, nothing good moments of each grade. And they went against their own, with others also go against the attacks of all good things, push every stupid thing, listen to others to be questioned, not asking is will, or sometimes just because someone cut a licence before you play the hand. Someone to talk with them-Chien noticed a strain for accommodation, or join them in order to avoid embarrassment to the scene, but they also turned around and changed in contrast to earlier views, so that the ingenuity of those who know how to behave in a delicate situation at a loss. Than they really mad man hopeless; the latter will also accept fair please, for those who are obstinate man is useless, and nothing can touch those ridiculous people sth Two stubborn, Headstrong people crash together and fight, and wise men should be taken only looked on, not to participate. Them head, angle of torsion angle hard-fought battle, you just have a wide berthat parties, can you enjoy the happiness of sit by and watch too rivals fighting with each other. Timely and angry, but occasionally displeasure ready, not sutai. Never upset with the beast what's the difference. But in the long term, and hopeless moods surly, then no one can put up with, was called rude superficial. If you want to control her own feelings, you must know yourself. Unable to control their own emotions tend to wallow in their own inner conflict, able to find any excuse to quarrel with others, when talking with people like into the wrestling ring. They are dealing with a good taste of the evil birds, their words and deeds are claws. Surly mood, hand holding a book half know what doesn't make sense, but also how? they "overbearing Bachelor" degree graduate admitted to "master of malicious!" them is hostility steaming days emotional Monster! wit the agile high energy is the weapon of Jupiter uncompromising graphic. He used his fast than the ears of the victory, he used break down those giants of the rebel. Thunder Hawk transport, agile this talent is always implemented by the wings research minds.Some quick thinking is good, it was to fast acting superior. The first feast for the eyes, which is terrifying. A sages have said: "good things to speed its things. "Our investigation is often not a piece of work of attention fast and slow, but it is perfect. Will be valued by only doing things perfectly, as fast and slow is the remaining question, was known to be ignored, forgotten, only successful things can be maintained for long. The so-called haste makes waste, into fast, losing faster; spread best thing, to be profound. But success should always gain admiration, rapid success can be regarded as double superior, more cheers. Was thinking all day, but come to the wrong; some people without, they blow from succeeding. Angry lively wit can take the place of deliberate thought of judgment, which may be too late to brainstorming. These people do not "maybe" ambiguous words, their resourcefulness is like heaven's stand-in. Without a punch line chapters, dumping the pursuit of quality people, minds, and drew their applause. The authority a delicate, often speak louder than expected excellent. Charles V said: "the time with me, foot block of any two adversaries. "Words are short and to the deep. Another quote even better: "the other free time, I is not when. "Know the magical effect of time can talk about everything: wisdom, foresight, choose the occasion, to mature, specially for the delay and ultimately success. Action made by the authority and, in addition to agility and luck are very difficult to achieve. Even map out a strategy in advance to arrange ingenious and geographical are often lost. Agile success does not require too much other endowments help, it only needs luck and courage, these two things when people wrong advice best reflects their brilliant. Rapid success due to luck, but in practice this success, the most important thing is look transparent. Hero characters this trait is not human, but as a gift. Occasion of the outbreak of the agile and deliberate without help, the inspiration does not leave room for to worry about, so human useless. Agile application is savvy and self-restraint, and beyond chaos charm and calm. Agility and dynamism, more fulfilled in the most urgent situations, times are particularly strong point. Danger often makes people more brave; under adversity makes their eyes more bright, ideological characters. People rush to my thoughts on the occasion of the most moving. The more dangerous phenomenon occur one after another, their road to danger, the more strange, often in difficult conditions stimulate people's intelligence and wit is more subtle. There is also a strange one, spontaneous, everything done cleverly, and think twice, uncleanness nor everywhere. In the twinkling of an eye to thoughtful all things, and don't want to. After all kinds of trickery generalship pinning their hopes on can be found out, have no benefit. Can be found out after there is no harm, but their talent is good at is smart not to think about, and master the key, and invincible. Savoir faire of agile, should speed up tour, both so that Solomon was ranked Greece first of the seven sages. Alexander and Caesar go down in history, because he has made great and powerful. A knot of the sword cut Fortune gordien �� faster, a vibration Gwol ambition ��, they are as swift as a sudden clap of Thunder which leaves no time for covering one ' s ears trend was playing a piece of land. Good standing is certainly commendable, sensitive to the action are more desirable. Quick access to victory, was the result of hard work, is the result of thoughtful, smart for achievement. Agile if you can get from bright to Ming Shen, witty promoted to pass judgment, it is even more valuable. This natural endowments deserve heroes, is a symbol of deep wisdom in mind high. Our hero and protector nuoxila Duke �� Francaise? Mary? Calafat, that is, from this talent-rich high, much admire. Broken fates of his lifeblood, so that he is not for the modern man's envy of the pollution. He is not available, can reveal a great leader, and think carefully deliberate, Act pass judgment, manners, Terra bold. Others shrug of disdain for the things he did roll up their sleeves. Advance thoughtful, random movement, eyes thoroughly, the case of dark brighter. Finally, although he was doomed to death, but known best. General and sportsmen and wit is the first of all kinds of trickery. They often encounter unforeseen changes, he is the need for resolute action strategies. They don't have the time analysis of the situation, and have no time to cope with the change of quenching. They seized the opportunity and inspire, fly to victory. Monarchs, you should focus on meditation, because they are a long way to go. Their God disposes of all, you must gather groups Yin total assists aggressively, Albert brainstorming to do their own. They are discussed, lying high pillow deep concerns; day success depends on the number of nights of deliberation. They need is not a strong limbs, but mind hard work. �� GordianKnot,Aaa must take drastic action to resolve the problem. Alexandra Fortune gordien Fortune gordien used Chariots of the face of the construction of the city, rope hitch on the vehicle it is said that only the conquest of Asia to solutions, Alexander smell, swing swords split this knot. �� When Julius Caesar first set foot on African soil, accidentally fell down and in order to save face, easily said: "I'm following knee flexion, in order to gain control of your (Africa). "�� Duke of nuoxila, Lord of berenzo Gracian being framed and died in prison. "cultivation" your father is a genealogy "strategy" is a natural mentor. You are under the guardianship of his birth, in order to make all the best is yet to be. Without you, the great deeds of no significance, the best appreciation of lost glory. We've met many potential highly skilled, creative, vulgar, indecent, and harvest more scorn than cheers. Most learned sermon of August, your credit, Jejune; the most profound book, without you retouch, people will be kept, and all in all, the creation of the most Rare, choice of the most brilliant, the most profound lore, the sweetest words, without you, must become commonplace, and shallow, quite ignorant, unworthy reminiscence. There are a lot of people, we carefully observe and not have too much talent, there were no depths, let alone what grace, but because the style elegant and know how to weight, so we get all the praise. This extraordinary, affected all of the gifts. With your help, the uglyTo conquer the United States, as perfect is often excessive self-confidence, self-confident tend to ask for their defeat. The jewel, deficiencies in others, the more notice you. Talented grandstanding, not elegant. In short, you, small things have been very considerable; you are missing, are regarded as being nothing. Your mother is "sensible arrangements", her making things in his place, form a harmonious whole. Nature, if not everything in his place, is contrary to its nature, everything will fall into chaos in the human world. Stars on one than another bright sth Places that disorder, noble ideas take a lot of work, thinking, diligence, the choice of refined and erudite, was also in vain. Saint grace should also maintain elegant, orderly, with religious Sven can double effect. Not only savvy, the will should be orderly. Both should be refined in order to achieve genuine level of orderly and concise knowledge, desire, how can such a barbaric boorish? is your sister "grade, etiquette and manners" they beautify, make all mature flavor sth Rich cultivation in Greece to introduce gentle winds of Empire, prior to the dissemination of these corrections, the world is so rough and disorderly and brutal. Greece man city becomes refined elegance, refined elegance of not only building, citizens are also elegant to the extreme. They think other people in a wild state, who invented the three-column type, decorated temples and palaces to the United States, who founded schools, cultivate all types of academic talents. They refine became full of perfect. Roman in its ambition and that potential, along with the expansion of the scope of its rule, the spread of their culture and education. Them and Greece one rival and surpass them. In their efforts, almost drove barbaric world, in all aspects of the world became more refined, more elegant. Even today, its great and refined are still visible in some buildings, when most people talk about perfect, "ObraDeRomanos," describe the phrase "Roman". The same techniques and accomplishment is also found in some of the statues, sculptor makes a hero name Tristan immortality. Their coins and seals is never fine and admirable. They expect all things are beautiful, can't stand the slightest bit of any coarse and brutal sth Roman culture and the measure, also during that period many great writers of the immortal masterpiece to achieve perfection. Mind of the Roman people, instead of treating the courage to keep pace. The so-called heroic mind! hero's hearts! this spread from generation to generation of order and delicate, and ruins are still visible in some areas, particularly in Italy, former Center of the Empire. Cities neat and orderly, administrative and economic order. In Spain, exquisite accomplishments of individuals than public buildings. This is not a song flattery, so-called Savage is brutal. France elegant style, and elegance, beauty has reached extreme levels, at least aristocratic. Respected art, literary honor, manners, etiquette and discretion, is the perfect ' level. Your children are "progressive and fun". Most heady gardens, trees and flowers featured well in addition to its arrangement also has a lot of stress. The spirit of the garden and even more so, in which our fragrance taste wise proverbs, grace also more gentle run homes. People naturally neat and elegant: order and peace seems to be some kind of mysterious forces since their dissemination, they cannot tolerate any disorder of mind. Even the army forces, Alexander also emphasizes elegance. Epimetheus said (QuintusCurtius, biographer of Alexander), as though his army the Senate there are red. Unlike the valiant hero difficult to tame the battlefield Worf--others not clutter the whole, neither heart nor seeking elegant, has done all the loose stain, and is known as savage mark. Accomplishments in surface, is a symbol of real, in the most ordinary things also reveals shengjing. Informed of the heart, be perceptive of the eye of the Momos (Momus), God of disapproval and contempt, that made them God of man's chest opening a small door in order to observe their minds, this requirement was vulgar. He ought to know, and good insight into the human heart is unnecessary gaps, can be seen through even the most secret heart and brain of subtlety. Similarly, can view through a telescope or don't have such a door. Those who know themselves are, there is one inch can open any lock keys. Informed and observant person, able to master any subject and object. He is yanguansilu and very alert, was able to see through the dark heart of Bobcat, and everything is seen as clear as Crystal, he knows others Shicai. He fight the ignorance of people be carried away and break through the silence of the own body pride, tombstone to other people's backgrounds, foil to figure out who is a hypocrite. He is good at discovering, pass judgement, knowledge and experience of life, and to be defined according to different people and the essence of things. Aboveboard great men are above board, of those who play fair is great, because the game is a level of wisdom, this gift of wisdom is itself a high. Be wealthy in knowledge is good, but only this lack of success, you must also be informed. Critics must be excellent in itself, comments on tour may be valuable. He comments on people, not absolutely certain, nor absolute negation, but weigh the reality, to have a reasonable evaluation. Such people can clearly and unambiguously distinguish the real and the table, just won't quibbleabout keen to grasp things the exclusion of all others around your own will. Their wisdom to the light of discernment into objects, having really know false. Their insight into other people's intentions and purposes to crack password of any bullying ornaments. Fraud they rarely succeed, and ignorance are significantly less. West Tower Tuo ① everything is seen as clear as Crystal, Seneca human vision as a whole. This endowment and vulgar happens to be two extremes, only this kind of endowment can prove the wisdom of man; all mortal beings often unfair bias malicious, they tend to think they know everything, in fact, understanding short to the extreme. Due to their ignorance and vain, so few who know things and grow. Most of Chew chewing bark while stocks last, even swallow spoofing is not sick. ①Tacitus, of the First century BC the Roman officials, with titles such as the history of earthquakes through. Wise man lives a big joyfulevent way to see those good view of good and justice, the good person deep penetrating a winning�� Two clear discrimination, good and very careful trial and measuring wit high, its advance on how sensitive is, how clever the diversion is. They listen to each other languages and other strategies. They do not for one or two successful fool you, because probably get away with, cannot be fooled by two keen words, because they may be borrowed from others. Research on them in each other's minds and try to each other, and Eagle carved feint diversion game better than they, also cannot go beyond this. They analyze the opponent people as a whole, from the heart to the brain, they are in the twinkling of an eye, learn about each other's character and nature. Encountering and defeating these able men, be considered the greatest pleasure in life. But they only intimate friendship, open mind the subtlety. They are good at observing people's fault, but caution is not open to criticism, but use another kind of resourcefulness: heart and great men Similarly, words with all men. However, once convinced each other on the cross, they'll abandon of vulgar mass, in their minds, listeners will be benefited! everyone they are categorized by personalities and found every shortcoming, praise each monitor, weighing each fact, each found the truth. Every thing they do is convinced: very carefully and observe subtle, determine the correct ideas bold, comprehensive reasoning, almost without omission. Even the most confident of excellence, trembling feel ashamed in front of them feel ashamed, because their judgment is irrefutable culture touchstone. Gifting abilities who won their approval, regardless of where and when breaks out all deserve, because the judge he's not capricious mediocre, Cheers, noisy more than insight of all mortal beings, the idol of all mortal beings, often sharp fall. Those be perceptive of good and calm with a "better" than the applause of all mortal beings. Plato describes Aristotle for the source of all their own learning, Antisthenes (Antisthenes) described Czino ① is his reputation of "portrait", the reason is obvious. ①Zeno, Greece thinker and Stoicism founders, under the influence of Antisthenes. Various gifts complement each other this endowment, is gifting yingjie, and the rest of the Endowment complement each other: understanding, knowledge, sharpness, depth, and other qualities exclusive: credulity, and weird, and vain. Because it is the nature of power, consistent, careful discretion. Impugned and the gossip and this is how different it is! judgment as calm as this, gossip is a malicious slander. The most determined critics can make evil for evil, can also make good more good. Ming Shen should not be cynical, but think carefully Mintsa, neither criticism (a wayward reprehensible lack of moderation) nor praise (pedantic). Some people only look at the bad, there are many good sniff out the bad taste. When a bad grade, and preference of carrion Momos, fair, and when an honest, favorite model is the honesty and integrity of Cato, have different interests. Out of those who are good and justice, is the witness of truth, virtuous referee, but they don't touch and lay, making friends with other Ming Shen person only because truth does not give a malicious or ignorance. Whenever they exchange feeling, judgment, reasoning, and knowledge, and damiusi are sufficient �C American gods, Goddess of wisdom. Employment with friends one can think of the Ming Shen, especially high. They use their wisdom knowledge and use of, reward, and to keep the people of character and intellect. They understand the world, all things go. They promoted select thing purely personal talent, quality, and instead of relying on luck. They can be found in the subtleties of a person's strengths and weaknesses, excellent or mediocre, and where this person can be increased without long, restrain and where it should be reduced. They don't care about the personal likes and dislikes, neither emotion nor tried, because emotions lead to deceive yourself, cover voluntary bullied. Judges of these people is the most solid reason. They are like Goddess of Justice, see without eyes and hands can grasp the pulse of things. Freedom of judgement, not influenced by common ignorance, no mercy for any dislikes and how valuable it is. The truth is people all the world, but sometimes for security, or for love love, desire to let go of the wise men, it has been. In addition to being fun, this great gift �� informed �C it's an incredibly important role: help select friends, and identify who Ming Shen, unique person with ignorance and vulgar. Which card is best known as playing cards should be abandoned, the highest standard of living is to know who is the winner. Above is the author of sounds from one good sense, taken from the Duke of Abraham bar hiyya deep wisdom of Boda. I said, but echoes of his lessons. Pleasant demeanor kelioubulesi (Cleobulus) to recognise this, named Greece among the seven sages. In the name of this wisdom can teach others reputation best, what about people who practice this and how? know not, that person is not a philosopher, but the grammar of Confucianism and Taoism. Do things both practical, and retreat. People first encounter is not real, but the appearance and understand things from the outside to the inside. Through the shell we can judge the fruits, for those who are not familiar with people, we tend to be judged based on their manners. Good manners, is a subtle benefits. This advantage can learn the day after tomorrow, lack of this is no excuse. In some people, in this manner is a natural, supplemented by the day after tomorrow, some people are formed by human accomplishment, because lack of accomplishment can complement the natural, and mercy. Heaven, and can create an easygoing and successful people. The beyond beauty, influence people's behaviour. Truth to be strong, rational courage, justice and effective, but needs to gracefully decorated to radiant. This elegant, quality can make up for any deficiencies or even lack of rationality, gold-plated for this lack of character, ugly face makeup to remedy the clumsy, hide all other defects. Elegant success in this world there are many serious and important things that fail due to poor manners, how much aid risky business, gracefully elegant success! pastor's passion, and courage of leaders, academic knowledge, Raja lover not grace this most important quality support, lack of success. This quality is the power of decoration, Crown jewels, leaders who play very important role�� This quality is grateful, monarchs are often full of humanity than authoritarian dictator can make more great achievements. If you see the nobility were able to temporarily place the authoritative side, more human, and polite, will be more known with gratitude. Way of treating people, want to control their will, and should have its heart. Many people do not blame, this formality is a natural expression or an affectation, was initially not very critical. The attitude shown by many of the things much more importance than its intrinsic nature. Attitude appearance can give new ideas in the past, so that the clock, and then adds a new twist, if they have closed for the time being, but also to fade failure in the elderly to cover. Tastes and dislikes are generally forward, rarely go back, but it is often confused for wind instrument and charm. Things can vary based on environmental innovation; trite because of repeated and lethargy, there are also mask method. In all kinds of imitation, particularly for this reason, although the imitation of that height will always be difficult to achieve when you first. Bright and excellent keen words have the same magical effect. Familiar things coming from the mouths of the good and historian of the pen, are new, interesting people. Highly refined and subtle things, even six times seven times, no one will get tired, but not annoying, but also difficult to obtain a pleasant feeling, unless presented in new ways and reveal a fresh breath. New is always welcome, and scratched quality yangchu. Seasoning can update things, this is a big stir people interested in secret. How much banal, ordinary things, won the people's preferences due to become innovative and excellent and admirable. Conversely, how many wonderful things without this style, and end up nobody rewards love! amiable style of modern man, strengths in its conception. The same thing, one person say it pastes the ears hear, one person speaking tour in the face. Some of them pay attention to: speech to the point, to act appropriately. Lack of demeanour is very annoying, poorly intentionally, is inexcusable. Changing to knead affectation, and overbearing rude, impatient, and other evil, and people think it is ridiculous. A wise man once said, when he saw that people frown, is a small gesture to destroy the whole life. Nice is a easy-going personality characteristics and amiable manner is gentle heart. In short, to decorate your "no", the ratio of a reluctant "good", better known by you. Good manners for the truth with luscious, people hear truth, as much flatter. Sometimes you should leave the unpleasant truth turned into compliments. Should you tell others is his due, rather than his actual degree. This could just be a lack of talented people an edge, their dealing kindly attitude, than those born of easier access to achievements and popularity. Manners can make up for in any deficiencies in the job, regardless of the professional level. This border difficult to define or explain, because no one knows what it constitutes; perhaps we can say that it is in charge of the elegance of the sum of the three goddesses ①, all perfect essence of integration. ①Graces, Greece myth functional beauty, charm, and three sister goddesses of joy. Day of honor and shame, done by people luck always dress up, it's full of grudge, grateful for less. Even the animals are there. And blame the greatest is the most simple of a donkey. Walk around it, listen to right and wrong, and strong and weak points, its soleaim compassion for others and earn applause from others, custom mediocre people have it good. One day, it would like to call on d-sky Jupiter and advised a lot of people, peers who do not have one. It is obsequiousto, say that at some moment, Zhu Kuala pilah-fuyun requests heard: integrity of Jupiter (your justice, not revenge): in honor of her Majesty's face fell is the one most unfortunately, ignorance of the beast. I am not trying to avenge, but request that you have saved my misfortune. Ah, the Eternal God, you do not allow it or not God of luck to stewardship of your power. Her patronage of others, only without me in the eye, acting like tyrants, and stepmother. Why did she tortured me one of the most simple of all mortal beings people? I can bear was born dumb, but unable to endure the cruel God of luck imposed on top of my unfortunate? she was trampled on human common sense, let me born stupid, and my unhappiness, her persecution of innocent good people, but a preference for those with malicious. Pride of Lions high horse, cruel tyranny the Tiger, Sly Fox Yin-Feng Yang, contrary, rapacious wolves have an axe to grind. Even I, who is do no harm, but to hurt me. I eat much less: give my radish really short, my really long stick. I unkempt, ashamed to see anyone. There is also a disgrace to the most poor, that is, on behalf of a farmer pulling, run to and fro, and going North and South, toiling day and night. Listening to this sad monologues, the presence of animals for which no audience. But the graceful Majesty of Jupiter, but they can not tacky for this point lightly touched. His arm pillow reclining on a Royal bed. Not because of weak, but covered one ear, leaving it to listen to the other side of the argument. "Evangelical temple on the God of luck. "He said. Soldiers and scholars, who are interested in developing smell immediately got up and looked, but no trace of the God of luck. They rushed carry high ranking in the Imperial Palace and saw a messy, everyone is busy, no idea, no one to pay attention to their inquiries. They thought, luck of the territory is not likely this scene. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this idea. When they knocked on doors of wealth, but worried workers told them that luck has to stay, but months have made a few bags of thorns and needles left. They met with a fool, he asked, however, did not, but go straight to the House of wisdom, resulting in poor answered, saying that luck is not, however, may visit at any time. In addition to a House and have not yet visited, searched all the shadows of the place is not the God of luck. House stands towering over the narrow end of the road. Closed the door, they knock knock, a maiden answered welcoming. She was nice, looks very cute, everyone thought she was in charge of one of the three goddesses of joy. She claimed she was the God of virtue, and just talk, God of luck is smiling from the deep is now out. All the people she declared with the Jupiter by Royal Decree, she has always been subject to Jupiter, now follow aims to fly to the audience the King of all gods. Her Cap came near the throne, on both sides of the human animal lean overBest wishes. "What?" Jupiter asked, "accusing you every day. I know to please most people is not easy, is impossible to make everyone happy. I also know that most of us are fortunate not know Fu, of not known to have been grateful, instead of complaining there has not yet been received. Their eyes staring at other people, only to see someone so lucky, looking back at yourself, only see their own misfortune. They only see the radiant Crown, Crown heavy and I do not know the potential crises and hardship. So, I usually do not bother them unbelievers, or rather, up to now, I don't pay attention to them. But this poor guy, he gripes are somewhat justified. "The God of luck guy who caught a glimpse of the unbelievers, and blooms in smiles on their faces, but remembering their own identity, so your smile assume a serious expression, calm comfortable replied:" extreme of Jupiter, I had enough reason for a word: he is both a donkey, who can complain? " On both sides of the civil and military Ministers have burst into laughter, Zhu Bi themselves even claim that good, and order directly donkey of unbelievers: "poor beast, you just would not be so smart point down. Go ahead, from now on learn alertness like the Lions, elephants as prudent, clever like a Fox, Wolf general intellect. Think they ought to learn how you as far as their desire. All mortal beings in the world may also wish to remember that fortunately and unfortunately, only the difference between wisdom and folly. "The wise one of the four seasons of life at the time of measuring their lives, seize the moment, ambitious hopes. Without the rest of your life, just like the exertion of travelling, but can not find a rest Inn sth Nature carefully, make one's life matches the running track and the Sun, makes the four stages of life and correspond to the four seasons of the year. Childhood as seasons of life in General, fangfei soft, filled with hopes of prosperity. Youth like hot summer, young at heart blood Pentium, vigorous and often desperate. The so-called literary talent and moral integrity, fall pregnant with ripe fruit and a keen sense wisdom to precipitate into sensible here. To the elderly in winter, cold, all drawing to a close. Leaves falling, huafa like snow, have ice running Springs vascular, tooth loss of hair fall, trembling before God of the dead to life. This is seasonal in nature combined with the old in the world the way to go. Human life leads naturally opponents, in a similar manner to distribute life, make it colorful. Pythagoras in one word, be said to be a single letter, and deep, this letter is y, double fork represents the two leads of good and evil. It is said that seek Guinness had faced this crossroad, rational just like Dawn shines on him, but only when you feel confused in the face of choice. His right eye view option, heart health, fear, note the left option, heart favor. A narrow road hard before, are along the uphill, uninhabited. Other way is spacious flat, once down, that were taken to everyone. Him stop and think carefully, until the hand the sky and traction he flatly on the road to virtue, towards a path of. Clouds of the ancients, one of whom is Falco ①--life has more than 30 years of the great poets was himself, can seek its music; 30 take a mule, to work; 20 borrowed from the dogs, roaring; 20 borrowed from monkeys, for boss. This is really a wonderful fable full of truth. ①Falco,16 century Spain Valencia poet and mathematician. The unity of life three quarters have a human comedy is divided into three acts will journey into the third quarter. First Act and the dead speak; the second Act, and communicating with health; the third Act, talking to himself. One-third devoted to the study of his life, this thing has a lot more fun than the toiling all day long. All low-grade, but reading high, expensive than learning in life. He swallowed the book GM nationals to nourish the soul, lifting the spirit of fun. In a variety of psychogenic fugue in knowledge learned in the lives of the ancient and modern thought, how happy! learning something deserves noble soul, he is not nothing to learn, and tired to work in different interests. Hard labor under his enrichment stream in various languages, Latin and Spain the two prevailing on the world of text, is the key to understanding today's world, and he also proficient Greece, and Italy, French, English and German, able to enjoy many of the immortal. Second, his intention to great mother of all life-savvy spouse, art, history and daughter and entertaining experience. He and most people on the contrary, starting from the ancient history, it boils down to contemporary history, history of domestic and foreign history and governance, Sage knowledge and secularization and carefully selected books author, analysis of a different era, period, century, dynasty, Republican and imperial system as a whole, be perceptive of the ups and downs of history and changes, study the nobility of the number, grade and quality, as well as various turn-of-war and peace, knowledge memorize, made him hold broad stage of ancient history. He Yi heart walk in poem beautiful gardens, swimming pleasure. He is not what we are not able to do a poem or recklessly to the jump for two. He read genuine poet masterpiece, taste the mantra famous hidden keen words repeatedly, and to their own wisdom to appreciate, especially He Ruisi ① the bright lights, Jean Michel Jarre on a horse ② cooked play in mind. Outside of the poem, he and the other Humanities pulse, accumulating knowledge enabling. Manpower into the philosophy of the Kingdom of his natural philosophy, studies on the origin of things, the composition of the universe, human perfection and life fanfu and animal features, magical effect of herb, and gemstone quality. He is particularly keen on moral philosophy, which is nourishing products adhere to human nature, can bring wisdom to life. His mantra of Sage and philosopher, aphorisms, Fables in the pursuit of such wisdom. In sainikamen, he boasted, was the philosopher's most avid reader; he was Plato's admirers, read Greece seven sages, Yi Bi kelitesi, and Plutarch ③ works. In addition, he treats the rich wisdom and humor of Aesop's Fables are not thin. Astronomical geography he wusuobutong, and draw an analogy, reaching out to physics and mathematics at different levels he measured the Earth and the sea, to identify the geographic climate; the planet's four major sections: regional and national, the Kingdom and the Republic, a little, some depth is concerned, so as not to be considered vulgar by others, and mediocrity is either out of ignorance, either because the lazy, never know where their base on. He alsoAccording to their own wisdom and scope, dabbled in astrology. He identify various objects to observe its movement, study on the relationships between stars and planets, observation of mutual influence and effect. Outside of his more than focusing on learning, reading the Bible, believe that it is the Crown of academic work. Books of the Bible is the most useful and most experienced for the world of King Phoenix enjoyed by big cable. Although he deal with a host of problems every day, immersed in Albert hero, is still an integral part of the Bible read 14 times. Be wealthy in knowledge makes him even more remarkable: moral philosophy to Ming Shen; natural sciences make it sensible; history makes it prudent; poems make it fun; rhetorical eloquence; Humanities makes it out of the Conference probation; astronomical geography make it knowledgeable; Bible make it thyself beloved. Integration, makes a perfect man, also unveiled the first act of his life. Second curtain is traveling. For wealth to the curiosity and observation of people, travel is the happiest thing in life. He beat the bushes and enjoy all the good in the world, due to the full enjoyment of things, you must personally seen, rests not only on the imagination. His footprint almost throughout the Earth, take a walk in all the countries and territories: wealth of Spain, brave of Poland, a feast for the Moscow, as well as the set of the above in one of Italy. His most famous square in the city, looking for the ancient and noble things: magnificent temples and ornate architecture, remarkable wisdom of Government, residents, graceful and aristocratic, learned of the wise men. Home of his Liege, view books, jewelry, painting, sculpture, tapestry, badges, Museum and Arboretum, taste all sorts of natural and man-made accomplished an extraordinary masterpiece. He and the essence of world culture, martial arts, the arts, the first-class characters making friends, appreciate them all excellent places and of informed commentary, discussion, comparison, made a proper assessment. His life the third Act, as well as the best and greatest scene, it is thought that reading what you see. From the door into all of the senses, and will be subject to "understanding" of this customs, searched inspection. His thinking, judgment, reasoning, to work in order to extract the essence of things. He will read your mind, rumination, filtering nutrients carefully, one step deeper exploration of truth, so that his soul for more Chinese difital wisdom to nourish the spirit. One who reached the age of mature, naturally knows how to meditate quietly, because physical Lysis comes as it is when the soul grows. Human body faded when the spirit will be strengthened. Mature human point of view of seeing things and are utterly different when I was young, as rational and emotional heat is suitable, we can often be Ming Shen recalled that the youth see things, a full, thorough. Seeing more people know, contemplation makes people mentally. Attached great importance to the sages traveled in binocular feet to explore, and then using the mind to think. A philosopher is rare, it was for that reason. Discriminate wisely to vertex, is a philosopher of the perspective to look at the world, like the small bee, learn useful liquid honey and exquisite taste. Philosophy itself is a meditation on death: people have only one death, must always keep in mind, the good death. ①Horace, Roman poet, by Augustus in high esteem. ②Maritial, Roman poet, founder of modern aphorisms poems. ③Plutarch, Greece poets, but by the Roman Empire the Emperor breaker now on Greece, and Rome's knowledge of the history, mostly because of their work. Without appropriate, no--Las Las Tanoh Tanoh Sha dear sand, we cannot always smile and philosophers together to laugh, cry with the weeping philosopher ①. One of the sages have said, everything has its time. When dealing with serious Affairs, also take care of easily. When God disposes for yourself, also a busy time for others. Creator of nature, make the person a specific and delicate universe, acquired accomplishments of their moral life to achieve this level. Only those who is interested in one of the things that are hard to be happy, no matter what that thing is unique and noble. If the story is like most things in the world, is the vulgar things, it would have been unimaginable. Soldiers three sentences does not leave the position ranks, merchants over and over is how to take care of business, doctor keeps talking about patients, tedious so that a person is not taking about is to crack a joke laughing deficiency. Instead, changes tend to be beautiful, pleasant, multi-much knowledge is even more fascinating. Some people--in fact, it should be said that most people �C people wants something from them except for one thing, because they won't do the second thing. For others, talking to people and is often only one theme: they may be referred to the phrase "people", was talking on the Sisyphus ②, streaming with sweat pushing the stone up a silly hillside. Wise men had seen them to tremble, and had to the case. Encountered such a fool, even if a lot of patience, good knowledge of benign and has to be running out of you, so that you can't wait to escape into the wild of loneliness. Same topic again and again and also very hateful, taste good people caught in them, and scalp tingling. They are a pattern, a subject that people, God bless us, do not meet these never repeat Monster! this time to save us, is communicating with us, always be wealthy in knowledge, personality intelligence is suitable, to talk about friends. This one is worth a swarm of mediocrity; but such people tend to be in case of not finding. This spirit of will and savvy people great tolerance, infinite broad ambition. General Miller Freeman, hobbies and wide, and then choosing one as the main hobby is not vulgar things. For example, hobby gardening, building, painting, precious stones, of course, love is the most noble morality and wisdom. These hobbies is superior, but in the end is just a corner known, learned yuantong person should be sought to cover. Disregard to an industry of the wise, fun is also not limited to about one thing. God made man was no limitation, life should also seek to flexible. Heaven for human food, lowered manna ③, this kind of thing doesn't pick appetite, everyone is happy to enjoy, is a sign of grade either. Word keen words Bilu, tiresome; always bantering laugh, hiring despise; philosophical reason Oracle training at every turn, and is downcast; cynicism, unpleasant. There is a name ④, Simin carefully is taking into account the model in his court, seemed not to understand the battlefield position, above the battlefield is not code level Temple. Another man �C not a great soldier, but a big stupid to fool people-to ladies when invited to dance, awkward apology for his actions, saying that his feet have not learning music and dance, only his arms to understand battlefield fight. "Well, Sir," the Lady answered and said, "in time of peace, we will take you to recover sheath, or will you folded like a horses are hidden, waiting for you to use, and then released. "⑤ in the human mind had room for thousands of knowledge and experience, all the fun in life don't conflict with each other, they each have for the time being, there are. According to their schedules, and think only about their own convenience. Wise man left to his own time, others live with mentor many times. Things are for the time being, in addition to not matter of decency. I often hear in life like a drama. A year to "sheep only", "fish" (constellation), our life, comedy and tragedy, fortunately and unfortunately. Everyone must join in the spirit of the occasion, when did you play any role. We play a wise man, playing Rigoletto, roles that play smile, crying also play a role. To be under, I wish there were off, as well as applause. ① atoms in the universe on the giant Democritus and heraditus, respectively, for the 56th century BC Greece philosopher. ②Sisyphuses, Greece myth by cheating death penalty Collins King, rod to push boulders to the top, but inevitable tumble stone, endless. ③Manna, Israel went to the 40-year journey of Canaan, God is giving food in Mongolia. ④ConzaloFernandez,1474 years of yishabeilayishi Spain General have been defeated by the army. ⑤ s by this quote from BaldassareCastiglione of the The Book of the Courtier, he is the Renaissance period of the authority of the court etiquette. Wise words--and history scholar Juan? Dr Andreas discussion on: they say, and wise men speak a sentence will suffice. Author: but I think that sentence is too many, exposing countenance, his face is the gateway to the soul, idea index. Silence is often make some kind of hint, the thing than the ignorance of the people expressed by more than thousand words. Ph: Yes, some of the most vital truths, often expressed in the half mask and half mask. Author: but the listener must have the ability to fully understand. Ph: this is the case, people are always the truth disguised as stupidity in the world today. Authors: in addition, there are many people who intentionally or unintentionally, to avoid the truth so as not to make people feel childish and stupid. Sincerity is no longer appropriate, only a few relics still surviving in the world, once unearthed, the world will be treated as secret and worshipped. Dr: top of the powerful show off, we should gradually reveal the truth. Author: and they came to the conclusion. Their success will depend on their judgement and guess ability. Dr: it is said that the truth like a sweet and shy girl, see when must be hiding your face with a thin yarn, makes sense. Author: as a result, when kings and nobles as she unveiled, there should be a chivalrous. They must be able to think about the truth, good at observing the vain. When a statement of truth to them, it should be slowly progressive and after chewing spits babies gave them. Woke up just magic �C debunk others dream of self-deception and deceiving others �� work to learn from the way of politics: wingfooted, seemed to walk the half dark unknown place, anytime ready to avoid risks encountered fools, into the flattering shade, see wise person, then up into the light of truth. Dr: comparison of the prudent and wise people perfect how beautiful it is! when you are trying to make people to wake up a vain, abandon the illusion even more so. The former step by step, implied to be exhausted, which was absorbed, tried to speculate. Author: this is the case, use their intelligence should carry out. We are against those good things should always remain vigilant so as not to believe in, and for those who do not meet our, no harm relaxed mood, broad and level. Flattery take another step, the wisdom to take a step back. Imagine what more often than 1 time. Dr: in addition to smell disgusting odors, wise man by looking at the slightest look changes, most make no sign meitouyizhou will be vigilant and careful scrutiny. Author: sometimes I am very confused. In a few words, often cover up deeper expression of intent does not come out, but implying it is very difficult to catch up. Wise people will pay special care in handling constraint, slowly progressive step carefully, then pretended to be weighty, brisk tongue rapidly passing like feathers. Dr: encountered a stubborn criticism or anyone who wants to get our vain time, we can not always willingly admit that others have pointed out flaws. We don't want to hear, but don't believe it. Compliments of flattering Word effortlessly enables us to believe, to point out our shortcomings, sometimes in a Demosthenes ① eloquence can persuade us. Authors: in addition, understanding alone is not enough. We also must be able to presume, because someone in your own mind locked chest, so that my secrets and feelings in this square inch full maturation until you tell others, and even let them rot and secret no Shiren. Dr: when you encounter such a situation, might as well learn those highly skilled doctors: to grasp the pulse of their employing breath; breath through their mouth to measure their temperature. Author: knowledge does not hurt. Ph: but the knowledge is sometimes sad. As Ming Shen should guess what others will say in advance, smart people have to remember what he said. Life on the road, lying in Sphinx of the sinister and crafty. Stupid people will be swallowed by it. End of Perth's can uncover its mystery, but even he would have to also use tact. Author: the easiest thing in the world to understand others. Dr: the most difficult thing is to know yourself. Author: the ignorance of the people, no one is not malicious sth Dr, and watching others missing, eyes than watching yourself double sharp. Author: heTo see others ' dust in the eyes of sth Dr: see the beam in your own eye. Author: know the first step should be to self-knowledge sth Ph: this is easier said than done of truth. Author: puliensi Bi Yasi (Biasofpriene) as say such a motto, to enter Greece included the seven sages. Ph: but so far there is no who is famous for pursuing this sentence. People from getting to know someone, the more we don't know sth They think that it does not matter of life and social thing, but don't want those events that matter. Author: this is the result of lazy. There are worse things than that, please?, Dr: vain curiosity. Author: Oh, man was the lamentable! they filled the void and illusion! doctor: closer to home! man of few words we should also be noted that careful, some rap's familiar; it was a storm, some large problem smaller. Wise people should exercise caution in the face of the poles. Do not fool people with as many gullible fools. Author: This reminds me of the saixiyaren taught young Alexander one principle: people like rivers, river discharge, absorbed by the River. Most of the rivers, the most silent, not noisy. Ph: but, for some things, and suspects the truth are equally important. More often than not, we suspect, others will disseminate the conclusions. Author: spoken and written language is different depending on the topic of depth. Dr: a lot of people drowned because of not measuring depth, therefore, wise person should be good at detecting this kind of deep and dash. Also, keep in mind that swimming is the most difficult thing is how can we not get wet clothes. Author: especially when the King of you're wearing robes. Talked about here today, every man to his business. You write you back to the ancient Laghos, the center of his Excellency, we were neck to be. For me, the wisdom books, or write me. ①Demosthenes, of the Fourth century BC Greece politician and eloquent, leader of aggression against Macedonia. Ownership--Spain Embassy in Rome for a period of dialogue weikeduoliao? I: on the changing world of happy Hill, on the pile of grotesque stone, these perceived easily get difficult things, which mortal has achieved his dream of happiness? g cable-Los ① money and unwise; DIO Guinness ② master but come down in Sth Who has everything? just assume that everything you!, but when he no longer wants the day, he will still be unhappy--someone happy and cry, sigh because of stomach intestinal fat, self-defeating because everything well. Dominate the world, Alexander began to conquer that philosophers have heard of an imaginary world, often a sigh. The pursuit of happiness for everyone, but if they are willing to take a step back, then happiness at your fingertips, so I break the secular bias, using reverse thinking to be analysed. Happiness does not mean that has everything, but nothing at all. For nothing, and disdain all true happiness. This happiness, Tuk, be cautious and wise man them particularly vulnerable. Has the largest number of people, most rely on external things, who needs the most, get the chance to meet at least once, as the patient needs more than a healthy person. The thirsty people, saving water is not added, but fever; ambition and greed, is this truth. People eighties ', will be able to stay awake, and be happy. Can cut water and drink, what's the use of the Cup? Seneca ③ once said, if you can add your own desire to stay in between a piece of bread and a small amount of water, such as Jupiter ④ like joy. I am fully aware of the meaning of this sentence. Real happiness is not to have it all, and want no more. Weijiliou? Ma Weiqi: not so fast! this is the paradox of downcast about, is not a sound advice. According to this argument, the noble are completely devoid of human nature. Nothing and does not seek success, not the abolition of grade, cancel the pursuit of life, all free? life without him, it is to enjoy the benefits of natural health and human, should be measured and controlled. So that people cannot enjoy the benefits of natural nature, does not give people the best is yet to be, and will only destroy them. Perfect and fun, what is the purpose?, from high-creator of the world is so varied, colorful, and why? you pontificating; if want us to stay away from ugly, with virtue, there is a certain wisdom perceptive; but if you are confused, lumped together, it is purely absurd bizarre. In my opinion, if the eighties ', or borrow trouble, no matter how much around good or bad effect cannot be its own. I think that real life is a life of fun, real life people who are living for fun. If you can't remember them all happiness, get it confused with the unfortunate, then happiness and what use is it? the contrary, even if nothing at all, just feel happy, that nothing is enough. All in all, life is fun, fun is a real happiness in life. End of Clausius Europe? aqilini: However, only the people satisfied with things. Complacency is a fool's blessing. Mikailangjiluo said: "the contented confused about who is blessed, and I'm not satisfied with how to draw. "Dante had a machine full of interesting remark, I always find very interesting. Benefactor of his maidiqi there is time for him, at that time when carnivals, his makeup mixing among the crowd. Maidiqi sent for searching, asking them to people asking: "who knows what's good?" Only one answer: "know the evil people. "They listen to, you know this person is Dante. Really great word! you want to know what is happiness, you must know the opposite of it. Hungry to eat, thirsty to drink, weary, and Everything in Its Right Place. Most valued stability, is reasonable, people victims of war. Fu Road, down most who know; he had been in prison who best understand the joy of freedom; people who were boat, beauty of the most known ports; exile who knows best country; most unfortunate people can experience happiness for the first time. Often we see a lot of people do not know how to cherish happiness, because they have never tasted the evil suffer. So I said, a good man is a man who had unfortunately. Argus promise? masikadi: is fortunate to have lack of which is to say, bad luck is present, mourning in music? it's not full of happiness, only half good sth Who would want thisKind of happiness do? it may be said that there is no happiness and unhappiness, fortunately and unfortunately, only the wise and foolish, human happiness in wise, unfortunately in stupidity. I agree with his view. Wise men have no fear to go in the fortune, they dominate her, beyond the stars above. As long as you don't hurt yourself, nothing can hurt them. All in all, the people wisdom abound, there would be no unhappiness. Peel? Qiao Wanni? kapuliyata: but people who have seen both wisdom and happiness? Blue has always been a Ming Shen's favorite foods. Generally considered the Spanish most carefully the most sensible, but they say the most melancholy to them the most serious. French is most happy and accomplishments of people in the world, riding th. The foresight of people, most evil known deep, is aware of his true happiness is so far away. The wise man suffering an acute pain because they think deeper, hardship left in more obvious trace. A drop of venom doom, it could destroy their happiness. They rarely luck against their deep and wide with its own. Therefore, not in the face of the wise to find happiness, are instructed to the contrary on the face and some hope. Argus promise? masikadi: happiness of heaven, hell, miserable. In the middle of the world, both. Funeral music mix, bad company, happy feet, sorrow will ensue, and bad news, good news later. Monthly surplus and deficit, complex, and everything is the same reason in the world, future sth People laughed when a cry ⑤. Dawn overcast today, tomorrow dawning that hot, sometimes the sea like a mirror, choppy at times. After a brutal war, serene peace will come. Therefore, there is no pure content, even if you only against the water of the spirit, we have to drink it. You don't have to be demanding this quest for happiness in life, life is just a short period of fighting. If life is not so much sorrow, if not hundreds of life intersect, you're going to people from her arms pulling, do? if only joy, comfort and happiness in the world, who would not want to leave the wicked nurse, into the Heavenly Mother's arms. ①Croesus, Lidiya subjugation of a King, captured the strategic mistake to Persia. ②Diogenes, Greece Cynic prototype figures emphasize abstinence, renunciation and comfortable environment. ③Seneca, Roman orator, same name as the parent-child, the child was at the time of Emperor Nero came. ④Jove, Jupiter, the Roman God. ⑤ language out of the old testament? the Bible. Full adult authors and discussion on Dr huisikashengtang salinnasi author: Persian, not before the age of 7 children, is strange. Father's love, nor can the Persian people disregard the Tong You defect. Children do not have reasoning abilities, not children. Salinnasi: unable to put up with their own ignorance of the children of the father, rationality will be 7 years for his or her use, in that case, who can't stand the ignorance of the intellect, school does not make friends than it is not surprising. Author: taking into account the natural wise week not to let things reach between perfecting a day. Training to service-fen, cannot happen overnight, but the day was a day trip, and gradually perfected successfully. Salinnasi: all started very small, giant events too, must gradually become larger. Immediately on formation of things not valuable, and unsustainable. Flowers bloom thanks, diamond deposit for a long time, only a long time to see the real. Author: the truth in life too, the accomplishment of cumulative, character and virtues times and finally reached the grade of excellent judgment, maturity and personality which sees them in their true nature CF realm. Salinnasi: this word is right. We encounter every day, and they know how to understand, but has not yet been fully adult, owed to a layer, in some cases, is one of the best. Deep is a gradual, it was early eruption of intelligence, but will learn and grow, people advanced a step, others gifted high sth As the wine slowly into alcohol, mind in the fragile human body gradually perfected. At the beginning of life, childhood all disturbing yet sweet, young people are brave and innocent, better than comfort and pleasure, a preference for frivolous. Some rare genius, although occasionally flows had a mature seasoned State, but is by no means years of brewing mellow flavor. Looks cold, serious, is the expression of nature, may also be the artificiality, as if the mask defect disadvantages of go green, but soon the inadvertent joke midstream showed that it is not up to the truth. Author: time lumber and increased experience of the good doctor. Salinnasi: only if it could help cure disease of green. Years may fly, thought and are long, grade also improve, intellectual concerns had become pure, assertiveness and willpower are increasingly mature, whole life becomes enriched go up. An ineffable beauty abound throughout the body and mind, there are also unknown. His advice soothe frustration, the efficiency of inspiring, thought was pleased, mind full of noble's generosity. Salinnasi: maturity and wisdom to suit the immaturity and stupidity is living death! more terrible than Phalaris absurd think torture ①, he would be tied together in the living and dead, hands sticky hands and face in face. Author: once a person reaches a certain level of intelligence, it will reflect on his weaknesses, identify stains brought by ignorance and mild mania, calculated their own bad taste. In addition to reflections, Mingda self-deprecation, and rejecting his emotions by errors committed by mistake. Salinnasi: some of them minors, but very sad. Author: condiment did feel less and less of a little taste, unfortunately. To make matters worse, shortage of judgment. Salinnasi: the problem is that what little thing, but it is difficult to define. Author: I also noticed that time making mature pace of wealth to change. Salinnasi: he sometimes quickly, sometimes a limp. Sometimes long-wings, sometimes lifted with a stick. Someone soon reach the heat on anything, it was not only in the State general caution taking into account the culture there is no growth at all, in every work and every State, every professional success does not grow on both issues. Author: the Duke? salinnasi: Duke is not innate. But the stakes, not only in intellectual concerns, and the experience you want. Full Royal meteorological, by how much accomplishment accomplishments highlights! name both by his own blood, but also byOther people's blood; speaker youqin acquisition study painstakingly; doctor bury a hundred people, only one survived. All human accomplishment attainment is progressive and long, final amplifier. Author: Builder is a 10%? salinnasi: this is when it comes to changes in price. People don't have the unchangeable happiness, because people can not and do not have a fixed shift lucky stars. Everything does not rest, only through constant changes. All profits and losses of reciprocating, always changing. Author: spiritual world as well as nature, the Sun and moon ren Tan, memory and perception will begin to degenerate. Salinnasi: so, one should take full advantage of memory and time of the most savvy and learn things when you reach the most substantial to grasp and enjoy. Author: climb the goodness and the top one. Salinnasi: Vulcan laborious effort, only think he deserves to be in the Temple of God in heaven. Advantages given by the natural need to train and work hard, and always close to the wise men, or by reading, or friend by AC first. True experience and observation, continue to brush up on the noble thing, extensive contact with all kinds of things, interest is diverse, all this will help create a perfect man. Mature perfection, judge precisely and elegance grade alcohol, speech to the point, be wise, fine sensitivity is the core of goodness. These figures, we should seek to Woo, Bong yin, statues, and as a teacher. Author: most valuable, is a noble man. ①Phalatis, the Sicilian tyrants, usurper, and he reigned, savage notoriety, Grill place people into a bull alive dies, his screams.

